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Now downloading free:Aiwa XR-M171, XR-M181, XR-M182, XR-M191, XR-M192

Aiwa XR-M171, XR-M181, XR-M182, XR-M191, XR-M192 free download

Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

File information:
[preview XR-M171, XR-M181, XR-M182, XR-M191, XR-M192]
Size:1712 kB
Model:XR-M171, XR-M181, XR-M182, XR-M191, XR-M192 🔎
Original:09-012-443-6T2 🔎
Descr:Service Manual Cd Stereo System Type K, EZ - Cd mech. 3ZG-3 E2NC, Tape mech. BZM-1 AR2NC - pag. 105
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
Multipart:No multipart

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File name XRM 171-181-182-191-192.pdf

XR-M171 XR-M181 XR-M182 XR-M191 XR-M192 K,EZ EZ EZ K EZ SERVICE MANUAL COMPACT DISC STEREO SYSTEM BASIC CD MECHANISM : 3ZG-3 E2NC BASIC TAPE MECHANISM: BZM-1 AR2NC · Replace this Service manual with "Revision Publishing" when it is issued. S/M Code No. 09-012-443-6T2 LE MP A SI AT D PARTS LIST = ! SAFTY PARTS = Components marked All components used on this model at the production line are shown in this service manual. However, please note that not all components will be available as spare parts for after-sales service. Components marked S and O are designated as spare parts for service and will be stocked at the spare parts centers. Components marked X and R are not designated as spare parts for after sales service, and will not be stocked at the spare parts centers. K NO. = Only use japanese. ! C O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ! X ! X X X O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O X X O O O O O O O O O O O O X X O O X X O O O O X X X X UNIT NAME ACCESSORY ACCESSORY ACCESSORY ACCESSORY ACCESSORY ACCESSORY APPEARANCE APPEARANCE APPEARANCE APPEARANCE APPEARANCE APPEARANCE APPEARANCE APPEARANCE APPEARANCE APPEARANCE APPEARANCE APPEARANCE CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD REF NO. PARTS CODE K NO. DESCRIPTION 87-A90-118-010 0E ANT,WIRE FM(Z) 87-A90-118-010 0E ANT,WIRE FM(Z) 8A-CLB-961-210 1H RC UNIT,RC-AAT11 8A-CLB-961-210 1H RC UNIT,RC-AAT11 87-A90-054-010 1B ANT,LOOP AM-CON C 87-A90-054-010 1B ANT,LOOP AM-CON C 8B-CL9-034-010 -- WINDOW,CD SK 8B-CL9-034-010 -- WINDOW,CD SK 8B-CLK-002-010 -- CABI,FRONT B202 8B-CLK-002-010 -- CABI,FRONT B202 8B-CLK-011-010 8B-CLK-011-010 8B-CLK-031-010 8B-CLK-031-010 8B-CLW-048-010 8B-CLW-048-010 8B-CL9-026-010 8B-CL9-026-010 M8-3ZG-380-070 M8-3ZG-380-070 8B-CL9-615-010 8B-CL9-615-010 87-010-403-080 87-010-403-080 87-012-286-080 87-012-286-080 87-010-263-080 87-010-263-080 87-010-248-080 87-010-248-080 87-012-286-080 87-012-286-080 87-010-374-080 87-010-374-080 87-012-274-080 87-012-274-080 87-010-787-080 87-010-787-080 87-010-263-080 87-010-263-080 87-010-263-080 87-010-263-080 88-707-789-810 88-707-789-810 87-010-401-080 87-010-401-080 87-012-286-080 87-012-286-080 87-010-405-080 87-010-405-080 87-010-545-080 87-010-545-080 87-012-274-080 87-012-274-080 87-010-785-080 87-010-785-080 88-707-789-810 88-707-789-810 87-010-788-080 87-010-788-080 88-700-970-810 88-700-970-810 87-012-276-080 87-012-276-080 87-010-757-080 87-010-757-080 88-700-930-810 88-700-930-810 88-266-810-810 88-266-810-810 --------2C 2C 1A 1A 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E PANEL,REAR EZ PANEL,REAR EZ PANEL,CD B202 PANEL,CD B202 BOX,CASS M171 B202 BOX,CASS M171 B202 CABI,TOP CABI,TOP 3ZG-3 E2NC 3ZG-3 E2NC PWB,CD PWB,CD CAP,E 3.3-50 M 11L SME CAP,E 3.3-50 M 11L SME C-CAP,U 0.01-25 K B C-CAP,U 0.01-25 K B CAP,E 100-1

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