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Akai AX-60 free download

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ABBREVIATIONS FOR THE SERVICE MANUAL SAFETY INSTRUCTION SAFETY CHECK AFTER SERVICING Confirm the specified insulation resistance between power cord plug prongs and externally exposed parts of the set is greater than 10 Mohms, but for equipment with external antenna terminals (tuner, receiver, etc.) and is intended for [C] or [a]i specified insulation resistance should be more than 2.2 Mohms (ground terminals, microphone jacks, headphone jacks, line-in-out jacks etc.) PRECAUTIONS DURING SERVICING 1. Parts identified by the A symbol parts are critical for safety. Replace only with parts number specified. 2. In addition to safety, other parts and assemblies are specified for conformance with such regulations as those applying to spurious radiation. These must also be replaced only with specified replacements. Examples: RF .converters, tuner units, antenna selector switches, RF cables, noise blocking capacitors, noise blocking filters, etc. Use specified internal wiring. Note especially: 1) Wires covered with PVC tubing 2) Double insulated wires 3) High voltage leads 4. Use specified insulating materials for hazardous live parts. Note especially: 1) Insulation Tape 2) PVC tubing 3) Spacers (Insulating Barriers) 4) Insulation sheets for transistors 5) Plastic screws for fixing microswitch (especially in turntable) When replacing AC primary side components (transformers, power cords, noise blocking capacitors, etc.), wrap ends of wires securely about the terminals before soldering. 6. Observe that wires do not contact heat producing parts (heatsinks, oxide metal film resistors, fusible resistors, etc.). 7. Check that replaced wires do not contact sharp edged or pointed parts. 8. Also check areas surrounding repaired locations. 9. Use care that foreign objects (screws, solder droplets, etc.) do not remain inside the set. 10. The LITHIUM BATTERY employed for memory back up has an explosive probability when the battery itself is excessive heated. Normally, LITHIUM BATTERY is not necessary to replace, because the life of LITHIUM BATTERY is about 10 years. IN CASE OF REPLACING: RESOLDER AND SOLDER AS RECOMMENDED WAY. Recommended way VOLTAGE CONVERSION Models for Canada, USA and Japan are not equipped with this facility. Each machine is preset at the factory according to its destination, but some machines can be set to 220V or 240V as required. If the machine's Voltage can be converted: Before connecting the power cord, set the VOLTAGE SELECTOR on the bottom panel for the correct Voltage is in dicated. VOLTAGE SELECTOR -SERVICE MANUAL-

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