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REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST For Capacitor & Resistors, the CC, CX, CK, CN : Ceramic RD : Carbon Film charactors at 2nd and 3rd digit CQ : Polyestor RS : Metal Oxide Film in the P/No. means as follows; CE : Electrolytic RN : Metal Film RF : Fusible LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION Q204 0TR387500AA TR,CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) KEC IC Q205 0TR387500AA TR,CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) KEC IC1 0IZZVC0019C IC,SDA555XFL 52P ST IC ,DRAWING Q206 0TR387500AA TR,CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) KEC IC2 0IAL241610B IC,AT24C16-10PC-2.7 8PIN DIP ST E Q207 0TR387500AA TR,CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) KEC IC3 0ISO204000A IC,CXA2040AQ 32P,QFP BK IIC BUS V Q208 0TR387500AA TR,CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) KEC IC4 0IFA752700A IC,KA75270Z 3 TP RE-SET IC MC-007 Q209 0TR387500AA TR,CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) KEC IC10 0ISA721700C IC,LA7217M MFP14 TP SYNC SEPARATO Q210 0TR387500AA TR,CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) KEC IC201 0IIT323000D IC,VPC3230D QA B4 80P QFP TRAY SO Q211 0TR150400BA TR,CHIP 2SA1504S(ASY) KEC IC204 0IKE780900H IC,KIA78L09BP(AT) 3P 9V,150MA Q301 0TR150400BA TR,CHIP 2SA1504S(ASY) KEC IC301 0IHY100100A IC,LGTV1001 64P QFP BK PROGRESSIV Q302 0TR150400BA TR,CHIP 2SA1504S(ASY) KEC IC302 0ISM941000A IC,SDA9410 100QFP BK SCAN CONVERT Q303 0TR150400BA TR,CHIP 2SA1504S(ASY) KEC IC401 0ISO210100B IC,CXA2101AQ 80P,QFP BK VIDEO SIG Q304 0TR150400BA TR,CHIP 2SA1504S(ASY) KEC IC402 0ISH092100B IC,PQ09RD21 4SIP ST REGULATOR

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