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TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE C834 R857 D805, D803, ZD804, Q801 3 Q04,Q851,Q852,Q853,IC802,IC804 41 8 IC507 IC01,IC301,FR440,FR441, D406,FR436,Q804,Q805. 8.0V D407,D408. IC507. 75V R405, D811, FR848. 135V D813,R811,R812,T403,Q402,L801. Q401, Q402, T401. FR459, FR901. 61 20~25, 28~29 10~17 IC503. Q205, IC201. IC503. 29~30, 32~37 IC504. Check the waveform IC504. at pin 54~61 of IC507. Check/Replace IC507, Check/Replace IC507. Q502~Q510. NO VGA Check the waveform at pin 52, 60 of IC501. NO NORMAL Check/Replace Check the waveform VGA01. at pin 31, 32, 33 of IC507. NO NORMAL Check/Replace Check/Replace VGA01. IC507. NO COMPONENT Check the voltage at pin 44 of IC01. 0V 5V Check/Replace Check the waveform IC01. at pin 10~13 of IC203. NO NORMAL Check the waveform Check/Replace at pin 6~8 of IC203. IC503. NO NORMAL Check/Replace Check/Replace Q202, Q208, Q209. IC203. 31V FR852, D814. FR848,D811,FR829,ZD103. IC102, R110 . 61 19 IC201,Q203,Q204,IC204. IC03 1, 6 IC301. FR440,FR441,D407,D408. 19, 20 IC507. IC507, Q501, Q514. IC301, D301. PIN CUSHION 21 IC507. IC507. IC401

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