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Now downloading free:crest fa 901

crest fa 901 free download

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File name:fa901__specifications.pdf
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File name fa901__specifications.pdf

CFTEST A rE)lo FA9OI Crest'sFA90l is o highquolity, costeffective omplifier, designedprimorily usein for fixedinstollotions retoil ond opplicotions. Series FA omplifiersemploy monyof thefeotures usedin Crest'sProfessionol Seriesomplifiers, offersonicperformonce reliobility ond ond previouslyunovoiloble thispriceronge. in Crest'sFA Seriesis constructed from the some high-grodecomponents theos Professionol FA'sore designed operote Series. to relioblyintoloodsdownto 2e. Theyoffer severollevels protection of ogoinstclipping,elevoted temperotures, DC. Likeoll Crest ond omplifiers, FA's ore totollymodulor,ond use on ultro-strong the chossis. Developed primorilyos o cost effective omplifier,the FA's mony feotures ond superioroveroll performonce mokethemideolfor o wide vorietyof soundreinforcement opplicotions. FTCI EIA POWER 2QHz - 2OkHz ot I kHz SPECIFICATIONS <0.1%THD <0.05% THD 8 ohmsslereo 225wotts 280wotts 4 ohmsslrereo

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