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Now downloading free:StudioMaster Studiomaster Session Mix 16x4x2

StudioMaster Studiomaster Session Mix 16x4x2 free download

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File name Studio master 16X4X2.pdf

Downloaded from manuals search engine 16x4x2 MIXER APPLICATIONS LIVE SOUND REINFORCEMENT The extreme ver~a!My 01the 1x4x2 provides a level of control mo'e than equal lodemandinglives,Iualions MULTI TRACK Inte1acesperlectlywith4\racktransportslorsupefbmu'j'-trackmas1ersas well aspalching fac;li\ies for 2t,ack mix down THEATRICAL PRODUCTION Thf" fxib,Jtty ~ ,md expandlb'l,ty of the 1$.4.2 allow the theat,;,;:al user mo.a :haner>oughoptionslordramaticandmusicalpresentaHons VIDEO POST PRODUCTION A superb unit for profes~io"al audio results in both the commercIal film and ",deomediurns PERMANENT INST ALlA TION/CHURCHES'INSTITUTIONS Mult;~le inpU!$ a~,d outputs allow for selective signal distnbut.on fOtmats not usualtyk'1,mdinordinarymixers Toc~'_oca:'nf"'mal""".'''''oce"""pa'''are.'''';_ F",f\.""",~..,.,""tt","""ˇ.S!udo"",,,.ter,",eof '"o master 1h4x2 mixer has been carefully designed tOf .ecord'rlg as well as live pertormanC(! mIxing Ful1hef, this mIXer can be used lor slmunaneous recording ot liH. performances in add'I00I110 ,emixing of mulhˇ track master record'ngs. Thismixerhastheflex'bil'tytomootvirtua Ilyanyuniqueaudiositualioounderthemost strenuous conditions and provide superb aud,ble results. The 16x4x2perf ectlymatchesany4tracl('eoord'I\Q transport making this board perfect in both home and stud;o recording environments Read this manual carefully and familiarize yoo~ellwlth'hefeaturesandfurdions beforeoperatong Wesugges1 atwayskeepingth,smanualwiththem'xer. We at Studiomasler are proud

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