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Now downloading free:GALLIEN & KRUEGER 700r B-II

GALLIEN & KRUEGER 700r B-II free download

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6251A.sch-1 - Wed Dec 04 15:48:22 2002 1001RB-II PRE AMP 206-0251-A Part No. Reference Description Manufacturer Mfr. Part No. 001-1030-1 U1-9 TLO72CP, LOW NOISE JFET OPAMP MOTOROLA TL072CP 010-1013-0 Q3 MPSA56 PNP 80V 500MA TO-92 MOTOROLA MPS-A56 010-2010-0 Q1-2 Q4 J113,N-JFET,35V,2MA,TO-92 NATIONAL J113 020-0120-0 D1-6 D10-11 D13-14 1N759A, ZENER,12V,5%,400MW, DO-35 MOTOROLA 1N759A 020-1000-0 D9 D12 D17 1N4148, RECT-FAST, 200MA, 100V MOTOROLA 1N4148 025-0012-0 D16 LED,RED/GRN,5MM,630NM/560NM,15MCD STANLEY VRPG5614S 025-0023-0 D7 LED,YELLOW, 3MM, 585NM, 5MCD, 10MA EVERLIGHT EL204YD 025-0030-2 D15 LED,BLUE, 10MA LITEON LTL-42B6 025-0116-0 D8 LED,RED, 3MM, 635NM, 6MCD, 10MA EVERLIGHT EL2041D 031-1107-0 C8 C45 CAP,ELEC,RAD,107,20%,25V UNITED CHEMI-CON SMG25VB101M6X11LL 031-1477-0 C44 CAP, ELEC, RAD, 470uF, 20%, 25V UNITED CHEMI-CON SMG25VB471M10X12LL 031-2106-0 C3,4,10,12,28,33,37,42 CAP,ELEC,RAD, 106, 20%, 50V UNITED CHEMI-CON SMG50VB10RM5X11LL 031-2227-0 C13 C15 CAP, ELEC, 220uF, 20%, 50V UNITED CHEMI-CON SMG50VB221M10X12LL 031-2335-0 C14 C16 CAP,ELEC,RAD,335,20%,50V UNITED CHEMI-CON SMG50VB3R3M5X11LL 032-4102-0 C49 CAP,PE,102,5%,100V, PANASONIC ECQB1102JF 032-4103-0 C17 C30-31 CAP,PE,103,5%,100V, PANASONIC ECQV1103JM 032-4104-0 C6,11,18,27,32,39,43 CAP,PE,104,5%,100V, PANASONIC ECQV1104JM 032-4153-0 C40-41 CAP,PE,153,5%,100V, PANASONIC ECQV1153JM 032-4222-0 C22 C24 C26 CAP,PE,222,5%,100V, PANASONIC ECQB1222JF 032-4224-0 C48 CAP,PE,224,5%,100V, PANASONIC ECQV1224JM 032-4332-0 C34-36 CAP,PE,332,5%,100V, PANASONIC ECQB1332JF 032-4472-0 C1-2 C19-21 C47 CAP,PE,472,5%,100V, PANASONIC ECQB1472JF 034-4100-0 C9 CAP, MCR,10pF,5%,100V,NPO TAITRON TMRS100J100NPOB 034-4101-0 C5 C23 C38 CAP,MCR,100pF,5%,100V, TAITRON TMRS101J100NPOB 034-4221-0 C7 CAP,MCR,220pF,5%,100V, TAITRON TMRS221J100NPOB 034-4470-0 C29 C46 CAP,MCR,47PF,5%,100V,NPO TAITRON TMRS470J100NPOB 034-4561-0 C25 CA

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