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Now downloading free:Zenith Titan 300

Zenith Titan 300 free download

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File name:zenith_chassis_titan_300_from_electronic-technician-1973-11-2.pdf
Size:459 kB
Mfg:Zenith Titan 300
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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File name zenith_chassis_titan_300_from_electronic-technician-1973-11-2.pdf

ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN/DEALER NOVEMBER 1973 insulated screwdriver into the hole of the center knob in the COLOR LEVEL TEKLAB REPORT control and readjust for desired color intensity. For TINT, insert the screwdriver into the hole of the TINT control knob and adjust for desired Zenith's Titan 300V facial skin tones. The TV set's back cover is easily removed by removing five standard Vertical Color -TV Chassis 1I-in. screws-the antenna termi- I -in. nals stay intact with the cabinet. Even at first glance, we were by Joseph Zauhar amazed at the chassis-a vertical wall of easy -to -remove modules. The 19EC45 chassis employed is A new Power -Sentry system employs a one of the three new all solid-state chassis used in the "E" line color - magnetic rather than an electronic system of voltage TV receivers. This chassis is used in the new 19V and 2 3V models em- regulation for protecting all chassis circuitry ploying the new type (29.6kv) Chromacolor II picture tube. The vertical Titan 300V is one About nine and a half million Chromatic color adjustment (fac-

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