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Bose Video Roomate free download

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File name:Bose Video Roomate Powered Speaker System - Service Manual_20240804_165701_000005.pdf
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Model:Video Roomate 🔎
Descr:Service Manual for the Bose Video RoomMate Powered Speaker System. Includes schematic and parts list.
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
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File name Bose Video Roomate Powered Speaker System - Service Manual_20240804_165701_000005.pdf

--117aWL C-1 Better sound through research Video RoomMate® POWERED SPEAKER SYSTEM · SPECIFICATIONS Transducer: Frequency Response: 1, 41/2-inch full-range HVC driver 80 - 15 kHz per enclosure Maximum SPL: Enclosure: (1 meter on axis pink noise) High-impact Polystyrene Copolymer 100 dB Speaker Dimensions: Input Impedance: 9" W x 6" D x 6" H 10 k ohms (22.9 W x 15.2 D x 15.2 H cm) (20 k ohms dc resistance) Shipping Weight: 14 pounds per system (6.35 kg) ©1986 Bose Corporation !t5.00 Service Manual Video RoomMate® INITIAL TEST PROCEDURE NOTE: Since the Video RoomMate is a self-amp- 5. If the Video RoomMate system lified loudspeaker system, it is best to begin initial A. Functions normally: testing as per the normal operating instructions. In 1. Check the input cable for intermittent this manner you will be able to verify that all con- operation. nections are correct and if the original complaint 2. Check the power cord for intermittent can be duplicated. operation. 3. Check volume control for intermittent CONNECTION INSTRUCTIONS: operation. 1. Connect the Video RoomMate's POWERED 4. Make sure the customer is using a stereo enclosure's output terminals to the ACCESSORY source or a mono-to-stereo "Y" adaptor enclosure's input terminals. Make certain that plug. polarity is observed. (See Figure 1.) B. Has no output from either enclosure: 1. Check resistance of the power cord (30 to INITIAL CONNECTION PROCEDURES 100 ohms, depending on operating vol- Striped Wire tage) for open line cord or power trans- Red Terminal former primary. Black Wire Black Terminal 2. Check input cable (tip to sleeve on both

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