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Motorola Motorola TDA 13001 free download

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File name:Motorola TDA 13001 TV Monomax Chip.pdf
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Descr:Motorola TDA 13001 TV Monomax Chip.pdf
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File name Motorola TDA 13001 TV Monomax Chip.pdf

AN-879 MONOMAX -APPLICATION OF THE MC13001 MONOCHROME TELEVISION INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Prepared by Ben Scott Technical Consultants: C.I. Tsui. Hong Kong Peter Bissmire, Geneva Lowell Kongable, Phoenix Mike McGinn. Tempe This application note presents a complete 12" black and white line-operated television receiver, including artwork for the printed circuit board. It is intended to provide a good start- ing point for the first-time user. Some of the most common pitfalls are overcome, and the significance of component selections and locations are discussed. The design has only 4 factory adjustments: H. Hold, Height, AGC Delay, and V. linearity, and there are no alignments. Note that while this discusses MC13001 (525 line. positive tuner AGC) there are also parts for 625 line and negative tuner AGC, in all combinations. INTRODUCTION pation. Special attention was given to ESD (electro- Monomax has been on the market since mid-1981. It static discharge) immunity on all pins. An extremely was originally developed in a joint effort between stable horizontal oscillator was devised. Zenith and Motorola for the purpose of creating a high Additional features which resulted from this design performance B&W receiver. It was intended for all effort included: a completely integrated IF and detector types of monochrome receivers, including the demand- with no detector tuning or external filtering components, ing portable and mobile applications, which require an on-chip de contrast control which permits remote lo- immunity to noise, "airplane flutter" and multipath cation of the control without shielded cable, and fully signal conditions. Features suggested by these require- black level clamped video with blanking and beam cur- ments included: noise filtering and cancelling, dual- rent limiting. The combination of system functions in the loop horizontal PLL, countdown vertical, and a flexible Monomax chip· permitted some elegant solutions which AGC system.

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