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File name PIONEER SX-D5000HG_ART-545-0.pdf

O R D E RN O . ART-545-O siFE!5c!c!c!." o The basic performanceof the HG type is the sameas the KU type, pleaserefer to the KU type servicemanual (ART-544) with exception of this supplements. O , u a r t zS Y N T H E S IZ E D T E R E ORECETVER S 1. SPEC|FtCAT|ONS The specifications for HG type is the same as the KU type except for following sections; Power Amplif ier Section C o n t i n u o u P o w e r u t p u t a t ' lk H z ( b o t hc h a n n e ld r i v e n ) s O s T . H . D .0 . 0 0 5 % 8 o h m s , . . . 8 0 w a t t sp e rc h a n n e l Preamplifier Section H u m a n d N o i s e( D l N , c o n t i n u o u s o w e r / S O m W ) p PHONO. ...79d8/69d8 A U X , T A P EP L A Y 1 , 2 , A D A P T O RI N . . . . 9 1 d 8 / 7 1 d 8 FM TunerSection Sensitivit(DtN) y MONO STEREO S i g n a l - t o - N o R a t i o( D l N ) ise MONO STEREO ...1.8rV ...bOrrV ...75d8(unweighted) ...67d8(unweighted) Miscellaneous P o w e rR e q u i r e m e n t s PowerConsumption . AC 22OV1240V(switchable). 50Hz/60H2 ...400W PIG'NEEFI ELECTFICINIC CCIFIPCIFIATICIN 4-1, Mesuno 1-chome, Mesuno-ku, Tokyo 1s3, Japan U'S' FfCt\fEEFl E-EgfF|ChllCC| CCIFIIICIFATICIN 85 Oxfond Dnive, Moonachie, New Jensey O7O74, U.S.A. FlclNEEFl (ElJFtctpE ELECTFICTNIe g, ao3o N.v. LuirhEgen-Haven anbwenp, Bergium FIC'NEEFI ELECTEICINICB AUIE|TFIALIA PTY. LTEI. 17e-184 Eloundany Fload, Elnaeside, Vicronia 3195, Ausgratie YL o IULY 1980 P r i n t e di n t a p a n P 2 . C O N T R A S TO F M I S C E L L A N E O U S A R T S NOTE: o The A marh found on some component parts indicates the importance of the safety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing, be sure to use parts of ide n ticol d esignaI io n. P . C .B O A R D A S S E M B L I E S Part No. Symbol Description Remarks KU type GWH.141 GWR-l24 HG type Poweramplif ier assembly Power supply assembly GWH.142 GWR-125 E L E C T R I CP A R T S Part No, Symbol Description Remarks KU type HG type Arr Ar r 7\rur aFUl a FU2 7\ruz I rue I rus I ru+ A ru+ Ar u s Arus Acr Acz Anr Asr Iszt P o w e r t r a n s f o r m e r ( 12 0 V ) Power transf or mer l22Ol24OV I Fuse (8A) Fuse (T4A 250V) F u s e( 1 A ) F u s e ( T 1A 2 5 0 V ) F u s e ( 1A ) F u s e ( T 1A 2 5 0 V ) F u s e( 1 A ) F u s e ( T 1A 2 5 0 V ) F u s e( 1 A ) Fuse (T2A 250V) C e r a m i c c a p a c i t o r ( 0 . 0 1/ 2 5 0 V ) C e r a m i c c a p a c i t o r ( 0 . 0 1/ 1 2 5 V ) R e s i s t o r( 2 . 2 M 1 % w l Pushswitch (POWER) Line voltageselector Connector socket Terminal1-P(AM STEREO) R e c e s s e d C Pl u s ( A C l N L E T ) A (A AC SOCKET C OUTLETS} Strain relief AC power cord ATT-717 ATT-721 AEK-3O4 AEK-4OO ' oeo- oo o=orot AEK.106 AEK.4O2 oto-tou oto-* AEK-106 AEK-017 ACG-001 ACG-o17 ACN-029 ACG-001 :::l: AKB-076 ASG.519 AKX-057 AKP.O16 AKP-OO8 A A A "rroof AEC-327 ADG.O23 : : : : : : : P PACKING ND FURNISHED ARTS A Part No, Symbol Description Remarks KU type HG type O p e r a t i n gi n s t r u c t i o n s( E N G L I S H) O p e r a t i n gi n s t r u c t i o

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