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Aiwa TP-VS535 free download

Consumer electronics, home electronics - TV, DVD, Plasma, HDTV, DVD, home theater, VCD, VCR, TFT

File information:
File name:cassette_recorder.pdf
[preview TP-VS535]
Size:201 kB
Model:TP-VS535 🔎 TPVS535
Original:09-007-436-5T1 🔎
Descr:Service Manual Tape Recorder (Simple) - Tape mech. ZZM-6R2NF - pag. 7
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics
Multipart:No multipart

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File name cassette_recorder.pdf

TP-VS535 YH,YJ,YL,YS SERVICE MANUAL CASSETTE RECORDER BASIC TAPE MECHANISM: ZZM-6 R2NF · Replace this Service manual with "Revision Publishing" when it is issued. S/M Code No. 09-007-436-5T1 LE MP A SI AT D ELECTRICAL MAIN PARTS LIST - 1/2 NOTE: The characters in the suffix column indicate the part usage. YHSF ...XX...A... YSF ...XX...B... YJSF ...XX...C... YLSF ...XX...D... KANRI REF.NO PARTS NO. NO. DESCRIPTION SUFFIX C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C IC J J MIC Q Q S S S SP VR C C Q Q Q Q Q S C C C D D Q Q Q Q Q C C C C C C C C C C C C IC Q Q Q S S SFR TH VR D J 101 103 107 104 106 108 105 102 109 111 112 115 110 113 126 125 121 124 122 123 128 120 133 134 131 132 101 101 102 101 101 103 101 104 103 101 101 141 142 144 142 141 143 183 141 453 451 452 452 451 453 454 455 452 451 302 301 303 308 307 306 305 313 312 310 311 314 301 304 306 305 182 301 301 301 301 301 103 87-010-503-040 87-010-505-080 87-010-785-080 87-010-787-080 87-012-282-080 87-016-317-080 87-016-317-080 87-A10-504-080 87-A10-952-080 87-010-746-080 87-010-788-080 87-012-267-080 87-016-562-080 87-A10-262-080 87-010-503-040 87-010-824-040 87-012-282-080 87-016-317-080 87-016-396-080 87-016-562-080 87-A10-262-080 87-A10-262-080 87-010-501-040 87-010-502-040 87-010-820-040 87-016-396-080 87-A21-657-080 87-A61-294-010 87-A61-294-010 84-TM1-639-010 87-026-411-080 89-341-165-080 87-036-082-010 87-036-379-180 87-A90-423-010 87-A90-568-310 87-024-654-010 87-010-821-040 87-A12-317-080 87-026-411-080 87-026-414-080 89-333-266-080 89-341-165-080 87-026-414-080 87-036-379-180 87-016-396-080 87-A12-317-080 87-A12-317-080 87-001-166-080 87-001-167-080 87-026-414-080 87-026-417-080 87-026-417-080 89-333-266-080 89-341-165-080 87-010-822-040 87-010-822-040 87-010-822-040 87-A10-828-080 87-A12-317-080 87-A12-317-080 87-A12-317-080 87-A10-504-080 87-A10-827-080 87-A12-317-080 87-A12-317-080 87-A12-317-080 87-A21-224-040 87-026-414-080 87-A30-184-070 87-A30-184-070 87-036-379-180 87-A90-423-010 87-A91-653-040 87-A90-542-080 87-A91-822-010 87-A40-822-040 87-A61-124-010 CAP,E 220-4 GAS CA, CHIP TANTALUM 1-16 C-CAP,U0.015-25BK CAP, U 0.022-25 CAP, U 4700P-50 C-CAP,TN 2.2-6.3 C-CAP,TN 2.2-6.3 C-CAP,U 0.047-16 K B C-CAP,TN 22-4 M A MCM CAP, TANTAL 10-4 C-CAP,U 0.033-2.5F C-CAP,U 270P-50 B C-CAP,TN 4.7-10 SV A C-CAP,U 1-10 ZF CAP,E 220-4 GAS CAP,E 220-2 M MJ CAP, U 4700P-50 C-CAP,TN 2.2-6.3 C-CAP,U 0.22-16F C-CAP,TN 4.7-10 SV A C-CAP,U 1-10 ZF C-CAP,U 1-10 ZF E/CAP GAS 47-4 CAP ELECT GAS 100/4 CAP,E 47-4 (MJ) C-CAP,U 0.22-16F C-IC,AN7086S JACK,3.5 MONO W/SW JACK,3.5 MONO W/SW ECM,KUC3523 C-TR RN1304 CHIP TRANSISTOR 2SC4116GR SLIDE SWITCH, 2-2-2 C-SW,SL1-1-2 SS350 SW,LEAF SPKR,DIA 50 8OHM VR,20KA DIA 14 CAP,E 100-4 (MJ) C-CAP,U 0.1-

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