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kenwood yk 705 free download

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File name tk705d_self_prg.txt

REVISED TK-7O5D TK-8O5D PROGRAMMING The Kenwood TK705D/805D contain a built in front panel programmer. Beginning with SN 41200000 several new programming features were included in these models. These new features include a programmable Monitor Switch function, OFF-HOOK Scanning. OFF-HOOK decode, Transmit Revert Channel (for off-hook scanning), and an additional Scan Resume Delay (for the transmit revert channel). This Service Bulletin is revised to include the program- ming procedure for these new features in the self-programming mode Entering the self programming mode is accomplished by turning on the power switch while pressing a combination of buttons which act as an interlock. Jumper CN-8 located on the main board behind the display is in the SET position when the radio is shipped from the factory. This enables self programming. If CN-8 is moved to the USE position, which is recommended prior to delivering the radio to the customer, the self programming mode cannot be entered. (The radio may be operated with the jumper left in the set mode, but after exiting programming mode the display will revert to showing channel numbers, not frequencies.) Prior to initial programming, you may want to perform a Memory Clear. With CN8 in the set mode: SIMULTANEOUSLY press and hold the AUX. and SCAN and D/A while turning the power switch ON. This will remove any frequencies which were factory installed for testing purposes. The radio automatically enters the Option setting mode after memory clear. To enter the Option Setting Mode without clearing memory, SIMULTANEOUSLY press and hold AUX and SCAN buttons while turning power ON (CN-8 on the main board must be in the set position). OPTION SETTING MODE (Press PTT between all functions to store data and proceed to next function) FUNCTION DISPLAY READS ROTATE CHANNEL SELECTOR TO SELECT 1 BAND RANGE 150.000~ 100Mhz SECTION (150 or 450) 2 TIME OUT TIMER OFF Off-30-60-90-120-180 Sec (default=off) 3 BUSY CH LOCKOUT b On Off/On (default=on) no TX when channel busy 4 DEL/ADD CONDITION dA On On=user select, off=fixed see RX ch & DEL/ADD 5 MIC HOOK OPERATION H On On=scan on hook, PTT off hook, mon off hook Off=no scan, ptt on/off hook, no offhook mon. 6 PRIORITY CHANNEL P FI FI=FIXED US=user selectable (default=fixed) ADDITIONAL NEW FEATURES FROM SN 41200000 7 MONITOR SWITCH En On On=press to disable decode, hold to disable Sq. Off=press to disable Squelch (default=on) 8 OFF HOOK MONITOR dE Off On=no off hook monitor, off=monitor off hook 9 OFF HOOK SCAN sc Off On= off hook scan, off=scan on hook only 10 END END (turn off power) RECOMMENDATIONS for NEW FEAT

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