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Daewoo DSJ-6000LN free download

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File name:tv_lcd_projection.pdf
[preview DSJ-6000LN]
Size:2078 kB
Model:DSJ-6000LN 🔎 DSJ6000LN
Original:Chassis SJ-210 🔎
Descr:Service Manual HDTV Monitor - pag. 39
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment
Multipart:No multipart

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File name tv_lcd_projection.pdf

S/M No. : DSJ210BEF0 Service Manual LCD PROJECTION TV (HDTV MONITOR) Model : DSJ-6000LN CHASSIS : SJ-210 DAEWOO ELECTRONICS Corp. http : // Nov. 2002 1. Safety precautions 2. Product specification 3. Remocon specification 4. Adjustment 5. Circuit Manual 6. Trouble shooting 7. Block diagram 8. Exploded View 9. Connection diagram 2 4 5 7 11 27 35 36 37 -1- 1. Safety precautions CAUTION : Do not attempt to modify this product in any way. Unauthorized modifications will not only void the warranty, but may lead to your being liable for any resulting property damage or user injury. Service work should be performed only after you are thoroughly familiar with all of the following safety checks and servicing guide-lines. To do otherwise, increases the risk of potential hazards and injury to the user. SAFETY CHECKS After the original service problem has been corrected, a check should be made of the following: SUBJECT : FIRE & SHOCK HAZARD 1. Be sure that all components are positioned in such a way as to avoid possibility of adjacent component shorts. This is especially important on those chassis which are transported to and from the repair shop. 2. Never release a repair unless all protective devices such as insulators, barriers, covers, shields, strain relief, and other hardware have been reinstalled per original design. 3. Soldering must be inspected to discover possible cold solder joints, frayed leads, damaged insulation (including A.C. cord), solder splashes or sharp solder points. Be certain to remove all loose foreign particals. 4. Check for physical evidence of damage or deterioration to parts and components, and replace if necessary follow original layout, lead length and dress. 5. No leads or components should touch a receiving tube or a resistor rated at 1 watt or more. Lead tension around protruding metal surfaces must be avoided. 6. All critical components such as fuses, flameproof resistors, capacitors, etc. must be replaced with exact factory types. Do not use replacement components other than those specified or make unrecommended circuit modifications. 7. After re-assembly of the set always perform an A.C. leakage test on all exposed metallic parts of the cabinet, (the channel selector knob, antenna terminals, handle and screws) to be sure the set is safe to operate without danger of electrical shock. Do not use a line isolation transformer during this test. Use an A.C. voltmeter, having 5000 ohms per volt or more sensitivity, in the following manner : connect a 1500 ohm 10 watt resistor, paralleled by a 15 mfd. 150V A.C. type capacitor between a known good earth ground (9water pipe, conduit, etc.) and the exposed metallic parts, one at a time. Measure the A.C. voltage across the combination of 1500 ohm resistor and 0.15 MFD capacitor. Reverse the A.C. plug and repeat A.C. voltage measurements for each exposed metallic part. Voltage measured must not exceed 0.75 volts R.M.S. This corresponds to 0.5 milliamp A.C. Any va

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