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Now downloading free:Kenwood TA-100WA

Kenwood TA-100WA free download

Electronic circuits, electronic components datasheets and schematics

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File name:TA-100WA.pdf
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Size:46 kB
Model:TA-100WA 🔎 TA100WA
Descr:Kenwood Amplifier Power AMP IC
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
Multipart:No multipart

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File name TA-100WA.pdf

ELECTRTCAL CHARACTERISTICS (@ ra : 25"c) Characteristics Maximum Supply Voltage Supply Voltage Supply Current Output Power Idling Current Thermal Resistance Operating Temperature Storage Temperature (a s -100w s -60w s -40w 39Y 61 +40V 60V or +30V 1.034 40w + 30mA 10mA 3mA Rr:89 Rr-8Q Remarks 120V or +60V 100V or +50V 100V or +50V 80V or +40V 1.63A 100w + 50mA 10mA 7mA 1.9'C/W max 7.26A 60w * 40mA 10mA SmA a- Flowing through Diode Junction to base Plate 2.2"C/W max 20'c + 80"c -30"c-+100'c I N T E R N A L p A R T S R A T I N G S ( @r a - 2 5 " C ) SGHEMATIC Reter to Schematic for sYmbols. Part Symbol h'.t of S-1OOW S-fOOW @ S-60W S-40W 2 5 0 0 m i n( V c s : 6 V ) Ic:3 A Ic:5A About1009 About 50f2 @ To adjust I.r Nil 33}a +30% 33}a +30% 330-4704 Nil $0a +30% Trl X Tr3, Tr2XTr4 R1 R2, R3 R5 R6, R7 v A 0.33- 0.47 COMPLETE AUDIO MAIN AMPLIFIER USING DARLINGTON AfVIPLIFIER s-60w, s-40w In p u r *r v Driver Circuit d e s i g n e db y c u s t o m e r Protection Circuit APPLICATION NOTES g e g 1 , U s e a s i l r c o n e r e a s es u c h a s G E I n s u l g r e a sG ' 6 4 0t o p r o v i d e o o d t h e r m a lc o n t a c tf r o m base to heat sink. s 2 . T o r q u eo f c l a m p i n g c r e w s h o u l db e 5 k g ' c mt o 1 0 k g ' c m ' 3. Do not clamp tight only one screw. Add torque to both screws alternatively 3 .D o n o t b e n dp i n t e r m i n a l s . o 4 . C o n n e c t o r a r e n o t r e c o m m e n d efd r S - 1 0 0 W s \,

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