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Samsung SGH-R210E free download

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File name:dual_band_mobile.pdf
[preview SGH-R210E]
Size:1405 kB
Model:SGH-R210E 🔎 SGHR210E
Original:GH68-02809A 🔎
Descr:Service Manual Dual Band Mobile Cellular Phone - pag. 51
Group:Electronics > GSM Mobile Phones
Multipart:No multipart

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File name dual_band_mobile.pdf

ELECTRONICS Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. Printed in Korea 05/2002 Rev 1.0 GH68-02809A ELECTRONICS DUAL BAND Mobile Cellular Phone SGH-R210E SERVICE DUAL BAND MOBILE CELLULAR PHONE Manual CONTENTS 1. Exploded Views and Parts List 2. PCB Diagrams 3. Electrical Parts List 4. Block Diagrams 5. Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagrams 1. Exploded Views and Parts List 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 Main Main Parts List Travel Adapter Travel Adapter Parts List Ciger Light Adapter Ciger Light Adapter Parts List Test Jig EAR Microphone Data Kit Battery Charger 2. PCB Diagrams 2-1 2-2 Main Top Main Bottom 3. Electrical Parts List 3-1 3-2 Main Parts List Top Main Parts List Bottom 4. Block Diagrams 4-1 4-2 Main Baseband Main RF 4-2-1 RF Transmit Part 4-2-2 RF Receive Part 5. Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagrams 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-13 5-14 Power ON Initial Charging Part Sim Part Microphone Part Speaker Part Key Data Input Alert Tone Ring Indicator Back Light GSM Receiver GSM Transmitter DCS Receiver DCS Transmitter 1. SGH-R210E Exploded Views and Parts List 1-1 Main 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7-1 9 10 7-2 8 11 12 13 14 Exploded Views and Parts List 1-1 1-2 Main Parts List Location No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7-1 7-2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 SEC CODE Description Navy Blue MEC-FRONT COVER SPEAKER MIC F1 KEY KEY PAD BUZZER MAIN PBA LCD DOME SHEET COVER CONNECTOR VIBRATOR ANTENNA MEC-REAR COVER RF JACK HOLDER SCREW-MACHINE BATTERY GH75-01484A 3001-001233 GH59-00240B GH72-02784A GH75-01160A 3002-001098 GH92-01315A GH07-00075B GH72-02984B GH73-00758A GH31-00019A GH42-00120C GH75-01165A GH73-00759A 6001-001542 GH43-00369A Remark Green GH75-01484B 3001-001233 GH59-00240B GH72-02784A GH75-01160A 3002-001098 GH92-01315A GH07-00075B GH72-02984B GH73-00758B GH31-00019A GH42-00120B GH75-01165B GH73-00759B 6001-001542 GH43-00369B Dark Gray GH75-01484C 3001-001233 GH59-00240B GH72-02784A GH75-01160A 3002-001098 GH92-01315A GH07-00075B GH72-02984B GH73-00758C GH31-00019A GH42-00120A GH75-01165C GH73-00759C 6001-001542 GH43-00369C 1-2 Exploded Views and Parts List 1-3 Travel Adapter A B C D 1-4 Travel Adapter Parts List TYPE A B C D SEC CODE GH44-00171A GH44-00184A GH44-00171C Gh44-00171E REMARK CHINA EUROPE UNITED KINGDOM TAIWAN Exploded Views and Parts List 1-3 1-5 Ciger Light Adapter 1-6 Ciger Light Adapter Parts List DESCRIPTION Ciger Light Adapter Code SEC CODE GH44-00170A REMARK BLACK 1-4 Exploded Views and Parts List 1-7 Test Jig TEST JIG GH80-10508A TEST JIG CABLE GH39-00079A RF CABLE GH39-00090A Exploded Views and Parts List 1-5 1-7-1 Test Jig DC POWER SUPPLY 8922 or 8960 WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS TEST SET RF CABLE 232 CABLE TEST JIG CABLE Note PC 1-6 Exploded Views and Parts List 1-8 EAR Microphone EAR MICROPHONE GH59-00225B 1-9 Data Kit DATA KIT GH39-00078A 1-10 Battery Charger BATTERY CHAGER GH44-00234A Exploded Views and Parts List 1-7 2. PCB Diagram

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