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Harris Pdodigy free download

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Analog Production Switcher DESCRIPTION Powerful Multi-Level Mix-Effects System Prodigy is reliable video switching and effects system that follows the industry standard: multi-level effects with a Look-Ahead Preview. More than just another clone, Prodigy® raises the standard, offering features no one else does. An optional stereo audio-follow-video system can be integrated to provide the critical link between your audio console and editing and can even be used for master control applications. An optional RS-422 serial port links Prodigy® to most popular editing controllers and other intelligent devices. Prodigy® has a powerful linear keying system with internal video key bus, three external key inputs and a downstream keyer. Combined background, key and downstream key transitions provide powerful multi-level capability. Twenty-four wipe patterns, including star and heart, are standard on Prodigy . Hard, soft and hard, or soft bordered wipe edges with variable inside-to-outside softness balance and colorizer produce an almost limitless number of effects. Prodigy's Pattern Memory System allows storage and recall of wipe patterns with all modifiers. Editing systems can also recall all modified effects through the standard editor interface. ® ® Prodigy® FEATURES EIGHT PRIMARY VIDEO INPUTS · · · · · · Black and color background Input 1 is the reference for genlock plus black Background transitions - cut, mix, wipe Key transitions - cut, mix, wipe Downstream transitions - cut, mix Combined background key and downstream key transitions - provides the power of a two mix/effect switcher PROGRAM VIDEO BUS PERMITS DIRECT SWITCHING OF VIDEO LOOK-AHEAD PREVIEW DISPLAYS THE RESULT OF THE NEXT TRANSITION INTEGRATED STEREO AUDIO-FOLLOW-VIDEO SYSTEM (OPTIONAL) · · · · Two bus system - Preset and Program Cut or fade between stereo audio sources Editor control of audio transitions Audio Hold - inhibits AFV operation FADE TO BLACK INTEGRATED WITH TRANSITION SYSTEM BLANKING PROCESSOR · Provides high-stability video output and masks minor timing and sync level errors between primary inputs LINEAR KEYING SYSTEM · Allows the keyer to be adjusted to match the rise time of the key source for high-quality keying KEY MEMORY · Automatically remembers the Key Clip and Key Gain settings for each input in both Self Key and Auto External Key modes THREE EXTERNAL KEY INPUTS Put Prodigy's Brains To Work For You With its exclusive Effects Transition (ET) programming system, Prodigy allows you to create truly memorable performances. One hundred events are always on-line, with battery backup to protect their contents. Events 0-79 are Effects Transitions. With each event, the entire panel setup is learned, including all analog controls (except the lever arm). When an ET event is recalled, push buttons reset to the stored configuration and the analog controls smoothly transition to their new settings in the number of frames specified by ET rate. Events 80-89 are Instant Repl

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