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Now downloading free:Sinudyne Professional 2550

Sinudyne Professional 2550 free download

TV - Conventional CRT, LCD Projectors, TFT, Plasma, Big Screen, HDTV, Home theater - Service manuals, repair tips

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Model:Professional 2550 🔎
Original:Rev. 1.1 🔎
Descr:Service Manual Tv Color (En, Ita) - pag. 13
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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Service Manual _______________________________________________________________________________________ Chassis Professional 2550 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Service notes After a repair the cables must be laid out as originally fitted to save compliance with original approval and to avoid failures or disturbances. The mains cable prevents interference from the mains supply and is part of the product approval. For replacement the original spare part only must be used. Note di servizio Dopo una riparazione i cavi devono essere disposti come posizionati all'origine per mantenere la corrispondenza con le approvazioni originali ed evitare guasti o disturbi. Il cavo di alimentazione previene interferenze provenienti dalla rete elettrica ed è parte delle approvazioni del prodotto. Per la sostituzione deve essere utilizzato esclusivamente il ricambio originale. Modifications reserved - Con riserva di modifiche Chassis Professional 2550 service procedure Power supply Using PP2, set the value of +VB at the terminals of CP31 (the values for different types of CRT are indicated in the table on the circuit diagram). Activation of service mode 1. Power up the appliance by pressing the on-off switch simultaneously pressing and holding the MENU button of the cabinet controls until the green Led lights up. 2. Release the MENU button at the cabinet and press the stand-by button on the remote control; the appliance will default to programme 1, or to position AV1 if pin 8 of the SCART 1 socket is connect to a +12 V supply. Important: make certain that the test signal needed for adjustment purposes is available either on programme 1 or on the SCART 1 input, as any further selection of sources is not possible when in service mode. 3. The functions accessible in service mode are listed below; they are selected with the P+ and P­ buttons of the remote control then adjusted with the Volume ± buttons. It is advisable to note down the initial value of each parameter before making any adjustment, so that it can be restored easily if necessary. In the event of the NVM memories being replaced, it will be necessary to carry out all of the envisaged service mode adjustments, as the replacement memory is supplied NOT pre-programmed and a new initialization is therefore indispensable. WARNING. If a new NVM is installed, service mode will not allow the various parameters to be accessed until the initialization procedure has been completed. WARNING. Tuning is not possible before initialization. Option byte (Op) The correct value for the individual appliance is indicated on the label affixed to the rear of the cabinet alongside the words Option byte. Initialization (INIT) The initialization procedure, which also indicates the µP software version, is activated by pressing the Volume + button and must be run every time the NVM or the µP is replaced. Remember that this operation erases all memorized data. Screen grid vol

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