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Mfg:Trium (Mitsubishi)
Model:Galaxy, Astral, Geo 🔎
Original:FA9M030110 🔎
Descr:Service Manual Dual Band Telephone Level 3 - pag. 33
Group:Electronics > GSM Mobile Phones
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LEVEL 3 SERVICE FA9M030110 GALAXY ASTRAL GEO GEO WAP (DUAL BAND) R E V I S I O N S V R S I O N S A : Création P. LE SIGNOR B : Modif MTS 2.0 english C : Ajout ASTRAL et GEO D : Modif Testmode software E : Ajout GEO WAP 05/99 06/99 07/99 02/00 04/00 Rédigé par Written by Verifié par Checked by Approuvé par Approuved by X. GLASSON B. LEGORGEU G. LEBASTARD Mitsubishi Electric Telecom Europe SA ZA le Piquet, 35370 Etrelles Phone: +33 2 99 75 71 00 Fax: +33 2 99 75 71 47 Version E Date: 04/00 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Block Diagram 1.1 Schematic 1.2 Description of Block Diagram. 1.2.1 IC300 One-C (VWS22100). 1.2.2 IC100 IPD (Rohm BH6070KU). 1.2.3 IC600 RF-IC (Hitachi HD155121FEB). 1.2.4 Memory system. 1.2.5 System Clock. 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 2. Battery management. 2.1 2.2 Block Diagram. Description. 5 5 5 7 8 8 9 10 10 2.3 Charging process. 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Main characteristics. Autonomy Control. Power on. Power off. Real Time Clock (Geo and Geo WAP) 3. RF Section. 3.1 Frequency range. 3.1.1 E-GSM Frequency : 3.1.2 DCS Frequency : 3.2 3.3 Synthetiser Circuit Description. RF Block Diagram. 11 11 11 11 12 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 3.4 Reception 3.4.1 Reception Block Diagram. 3.4.2 Description of Reception Block Diagram 3.5 Transmission. 3.5.1 Transmission Block Diagram. 3.5.2 Description of Transmission Block Diagram. 3.5.3 Power Control. 4. Speech coder. 4.1 Full rate / Half rate / Enhanced full rate. 17 17 5. Analogue Audio. 19 Mitsubishi Electric Telecom Europe SA ZA le Piquet, 35370 Etrelles Phone: +33 2 99 75 71 00 Fax: +33 2 99 75 71 47 Version E Date: 04/00 1/29 Level 3 Service Manual GALAXY ASTRAL GEO GEO WAP 5.1 5.2 5.3 Buzzer. Speaker (RX audio). Micro (TX audio). 19 19 19 6. Testmode Software. 6.1 Equipment installation 6.2 Software (MTS) installation 6.2.1 Simple Setup : 6.2.2 Complete Setup : 6.3 Software (MTS) description 6.3.1 MMI Testmode interface : description of functions 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 7. Basic Adjustment. 7.1 7.2 Power Adjustment. RSSI control. 27 27 28 8. Software Version . 9. Trouble Shooting help guide 28 29 Version E Date: 04/00 2/29 Mitsubishi Electric Telecom Europe SA ZA le Piquet 35370 Etrelles Phone: +33 2 99 75 71 00 Fax: + 33 2 99 75 71 47 Level 3 Service Manual GALAXY ASTRAL GEO GEO WAP 1 1.1 Block Diagram Schematic Parallele bus Serial bus 1.2 Description of Block Diagram. 1.2.1 IC300 One-C (VWS22100). IC300 includes in one same chipset Base Band part, DSP, CPU, A/D, D/A converters, TDMA framecounters, a TX GMSK modulator, a TX power ramping circuit, RX filters. IC300 carries out the management of the battery charging, and of the audio part. It interfaces with the radio frequency part. 1.2.2 IC100 IPD (Rohm BH6070KU). IC100 provides the different powers supplies to RFBB board : 2.8RTC, PSTCXO, 2.8VANA, PSSYN, 2.8VAUD, VBAT, 3.6VB, 2.8VD, 5VSIM. The management of the battery charging is carried out by internal circuit of IC100. 1.2.3 IC600 RF-IC (Hitachi HD155121FEB). Transceiver I

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