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NEC DB2000 free download

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File name:dual_band_©_.part1.rar
[preview DB2000]
Size:1423 kB
Model:DB2000 🔎
Original:147-279805-TP 🔎
Descr:Service Manual Dual Band Gsm Telephone - (3.216Kb) Part 1/2 - pag. 199
Group:Electronics > GSM Mobile Phones
Multipart: 0  1

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File name nec2000.pdf

DB2000 Help Service Manual Introduction This is the Electronic Service Manual for the MP5J1L1 Dual Band GSM Digital Cellular Telephone from NEC. It contains specific information on repair and test procedures. For details on user functions, general operation and installation, please refer to the User Guide. The Service Manual is set out in the following sections. 1. Precautions for Repair Work provides general guidelines for undertaking safe and efficient repair work. Unit Specification provides the technical specifications for the MP5J1L1 GSM Digital Cellular Telephone. Circuit Description provides functional details of the circuits, block diagrams and component purpose descriptions. Servicing defines the jigs, fixtures and test configurations required for servicing the product; and describes the processes of assembly and disassembly. Troubleshooting provides an aid to fault finding the product. Includes; using the engineering functions, signal levels and plots at various parts of the circuit and fault codes. Device Information provides functional information and pin-outs of most of the semiconductor devices within the HHP. Parts provides information for the ordering of replacement parts. Circuit Diagrams and Board Maps contains all the schematics and component layout diagrams. Glossary, terms used in this manual. , 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Important !"#$%"$& !'' ' !' ( ) * + , -# " ' . ! One incorrect adjustment may result in the need for many more and result in extra ) . ( #* · ) / 0 · · ! 1 · +'2 * 2 ' ! ' 2 # + 3#+4 2 22 * $2#+ 2 0 0 * 0 5 # * !3 4 2 # ' 6 ! 2 $7'+2 2 22 * " ' ! 0 #'89 :+2 + * * 2 " " #* % . * 2 2 ' 22 2 2 + " * * $ '( ; < '( * 2 ! . * 0 . $ . 2 2 # * 32 '( 46 2 = ' ' 2 '( $#* ' % * "* * ' ( ' equipment is heavily soiled a soft cloth dampened with a mild synthetic detergent 2 = * " 2 3 >4 " !'! ( ' $!' # 2 # # * = ! # 2 < = 6 $ 2 = 2 ' $ * 2 ) #' " . $ 2" . * 2 3 4 * ' 2 2 * 0 * ? 2 = '(< 2 $ '( ' · + · ' << Previous Section Next Section Main Menu >> Section 2 Unit Specifications Performance General Talktime Standby Dimensions Volume Weight SIM Size RF p

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