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File information:
File name:ikr blinging led .txt
Size:0 kB
Model:kv29cl10 🔎
Original:FE2 🔎
Descr:repair tip
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
Multipart:No multipart

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File name ikr blinging led .txt

symptom:No picture. OSD and sound OK. LED blinks 5 times. solution: The problem from led flashing or by service(osd works fine) menu seems to be the ikr circuit,but if everything looks fine from all DC voltages on the CRT and the suplly voltages of RGB amlifier chip TDA6108jf=IC7001 then the problem is from the ABL circuit. Check components C5112=4.7ìF/50V D5007=PDZ6.8B-115(6V8 zener) D5005=MMDL114T1(schotky diode) R5122=47k/0.1w R5065=220Ù/0.1w If any of these components is leaky or resistors open,replace them all and replace also ASIC ic0001=TDA9394h/N1/5/1031 good luck!

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