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File name:Philips - Chassis A-10E - 28PW6005.part01.rar
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Model:28PW6005 🔎
Original:Chassis A10E 🔎
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File name A-10E_AA.pdf

File name A-10E_AA_DVD.pdf

Block- and Wiring Diagram A10E-DVD 6. 21 6. Block- and Wiring Diagram Block Diagram DVD Interface Board DVD INTERFACE BOARD 0254 I 1-3 +3V3 VOUT1P VOUT1N 28 INTERFACE 29 3 2 +5V 8 7134-A TO/FROM 1603 DVD ENGINE -ASD1 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 21 +5V MUTE_AV PCM_OUT0 LRCLK SCLK PCM_CLK +3V3 7130 10 11 12 9 23 16 1 2 SDA_2 SCL_2 7231 IIC_DISABLE_DATA FOR DVD- DPL 7131 6 21 + 4 -5V 1 L_DVD_IN L_FRONT_IN 7146* 12 14 13 11 Y_AV3_OUT C_AV3_OUT L_AV3_OUT R_AV3_OUT +5V 31 32 VOUT2P VOUT2N 4 -5V 5 6 + 8 7134-B 7 2145 DIG_OUT A4 7120-B R_DVD_IN R_FRONT_IN 7147* 2 15 1 10 SEL_DVD_AV SYSCLK L_FRONT_IN R_FRONT_IN TO 0240 OF SIDE AV PANEL 0265 TO/FROM 1600 DVD ENGINE - ASD1 0239 Y_FRONT_IN C_FRONT_IN FROM 0239 OF CHASSIS (FOR DVD- DPL) 8 HP_OUT_L 10 HP_OUT_R 11 +5V 7100 1 2 MUTE_AV 7230 IIC_DISABLE_SCK 7200 7201 7202 -5V C_DVD_IN +12VSTDBY C_FRONT_IN +5VSTDBY +3V3 7210 7211 7212 Y_DVD_IN Y_FRONT_IN 2 1 10 +5VSTDBY 16 4 5 5 N.C. 3313 IIC_DISABLE_DATA IIC_DISABLE_SCK DVD_STDBY +12VSTDBY 5 3163 7162 3330 +5VSTDBY EJECT 7332 2 SEL_DVD_AV 1 7333 3 4 2333 3315 3 7317 3316 7315 4 1 2 SEL_DVD_AV 12 13 11 7300 2301 1 7220-A DIG_OUT 3132 OPTICAL OUT 3 1100 0255 7 TO/FROM 1604 DVD ENGINE - ASD1 8 9 10 11 12 14 C_DVD 16 Y_DVD 3 5100 4 COAXIAL OUT 6 3301 7220-B 3302 7303 7318 1 2 3 +12VSTDBY 11 DVD_STDBY -5V 5318 4 6320 2322 +3V3 2321 +5V +5VSTDBY 1 2 3 4 5 10 9 A7 0224 5 4 3 2 1 SDA SCL GND_NV N.C. N.C. 15 TO 0224 OF CHASSIS 6 7150 IO 7 14 EXPANDER 9 10 11 12 +13V +8V DVD_STDBY 5 1 0221 2 3 0264 DATE: 2001-02-28 VER: 1.0 3 1 0206 2 4 TO/FROM 0221 OF DVD-DOLBY INTER-CONNECT PANEL (FOR DVD-DPL) P TO 0267 OF EJECT BD I4 TO/FROM 0206 OF CHASSIS (NON DPL) OR TO/FROM 0207 OF DVD-DOLBY © POWER AUDIO PANEL (DVD-DPL) © A1 H CL 16532021_001.eps 060401 D 2 4 6 7 0266 * = FOR DVD-NON DPL FRONT_ DETECT DAC 2 4 6 7 8 10 11 0240 TO 0240 OF CHASSIS 2140 7120-A A5 Block- and Wiring Diagram A10E-DVD 6. 22 Wiring Diagram Active Subwoofer Box Top Control Panel Front Interface Panel 0212 0214 5P 3P Left/Right Front Speaker 0242 0215 2P 0211 2P Mains Harmonic Panel 0214 5P 2P 0002 6P 0241 0215 3P 0224 0212 2P 0211 2P 0206 5P 0001 2P 4P 0240 11P 0246 Side IO Panel (C/O) 0247 5P LSP (main chassis) 0239 3P 11P 0240 0221 0226 2P Horizontal deflection wire Vertical deflection wire SSB Panel 0242 5P DVD Interface Panel 0240 0266 11P 0224 0206 5P 0241 6P 11P 6P 0264 3P 0222 2P EHT Cable Focus Cable 0265 12P 16P 0255 22P 0254 0165 VG2 Cable CRT 3P 1501 16P 1604 DVD Module 22P 1600 12P 1603 0287 0217 3P To SCAVEM coil Yoke coil 0244 5P 6P CRT Panel 0243 3P 0267 Eject Panel Aquad CL 16532021_002.eps 300301 Degaussing coil Block- and Wiring Diagram A10E-DVD 6. 23 I2C Overview C1 VIDEO PROCESSING I2C BUS C5 AUDIO PROCESSING SCL 3601 1 17 3329 SCL SDA 3602 2 18 3330 SDA 7301 TDA 8885 7651 MSP3451G C7 C3 U-CONTROL SCL 6 SCL +3V3 STBY 5 SDA 3086 3064 3084 3065 SDA-2 +3V3 STBY SD

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