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Now downloading free:three tech ups600

three tech ups600 free download

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File information:
File name:ups.pdf
[preview ups600]
Size:83 kB
Mfg:three tech
Model:ups600 🔎
Descr:This is the schematic of UPS from three tech. But still under working and i expect become perfect at soon. Be usefull.
Group:Electronics > Automobile > Electrical diagram
Multipart:No multipart

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File name ups.pdf

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 D? Abang D D? Ijo JP? S? Main 5 4 3 2 1 Body JP? 5 4 3 2 1 HIJAU MERAH +BAT R2 22K Q2 C9012 C1 R1 220nF4M7 ASEM R34 2K2 R20 4K7 D15 Q? Q3 2N5551 Q? R19 10K R38 10K 1N4148 C? 22uF HIJAU R36 R? 10K 10K D? D? 1N4148 1N4148 Q? D19 1N4148 D? 1N4148 R73 4K7 6 1 7 D? 1N4148 R? R? 10K 10K D? D? 1N4148 1N4148 D23 1N4148 U4B LM339 R? 1M R65 10K C? 47uF T? P2 +BAT R59 2M CATO 3 D28 HIJAU 1N4148 C? 4.7uF R68 4K9 ASEM 1K R90 C18 4,7uF/50V 11 10 R70 47K LM339 CATO CATO P521 U7 BZ? CATO R? D? 1N4148 100K D? 1N4148 C? 47uF 9 14 8 R92 1M D37 1N4148 LM339 R93 47K C? 1uF/50V EC15 4.7uF Q13 R91 47K R? 1M C? C? 1nF 4.7uF R? 100K R? U10 LM317T 3 1N4007 D11 1N4007 D10 DZ2 7 1N4007 RL1 +BAT C? 2,2uF Q5 S8050 LM393 R13 4k7 C? 2.2uF Q12 S8050 RL3 +BAT R? 4K7/5W C? 0.1uF/275V DZ6 Q11 S8050 R42 10K R? 2K2 CATO R43 47K Q9 S8050 R48 D13 D4 1N4007 D3 1N4007 D5 1N4007 13 11 LM339 D21 1N4148 R110 38K R7 R8 U1A 5 2 R? 4 1N4148 R25 470K 12 LM339 Title Size A2 Date: File: 6 7 22-Jan-2007 Y:\FLASHR~1\UPS.SCH Sheet of Drawn By: 8 Number Revision 3 D17 CATO C?C? R? 4.7uF 2K2 4.7uF Q? C? 4.7uF D? 4k7 R26 CATO 1N4148 CATO R? R? 47K U1D 10 C? 4.7uF D? 1N4148 Q? A R? 47K R? C? 4.7uF C? 4.7uF C? 2.2uF 4 DZ4 1 2 LM393 C? 22uF ASEM 6 LM339 1N4148 R11 4K7 1N4007 C? 220uF D? 1N4148 U2B 5 D? 6 R52 4K7 8 1N4148 R? 47K R50 2K2 U2A 3 S8050 1K R81 DZ5 R? 47K U1B 7 1 R? D? D? 1N4148 R? D? D? 1N4148 1N4148 D? 1N4148 Q8 CATO R? 100 R22 Vin ADJ +Vout 2 R? 47 VR3 56K R? C? 1nF R? 10K R82 1M U4D 13 R75 4K7 CATO 222 222 R? 47 Q? IRF3205 470 R? R? C? 2K2 22K R? 470 R? R? C? 2K2 22K R? R? 47 Q? IRF3205 C T? P1 Q5 S8050 R? 2K2 CATO ASEM R58 Q4 S8050 100K VR1 VR2 R67 U5 1 R95 2 R KIA431 K A 3 D C? 4.7uF C? 4.7uF C? 4.7uF R18 10K R? 10K R? 10K C? 4.7uF R? R? R? 10K 10K 10K C DB1 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 U9 U4A 5 2 R72 4K7 12 R56 4 1M2 LM339 R55 10K P521 U8 16 13 15 14 12 11 10 9 8 GND Kompensasi U? SG3524 Vin Colector A Emiter A Rt 6 D? 1N4148 R? R? 10 R? 10 4K7 P521 U6 R? R? 8K1 4K2 D? MERAH 1N4148 R94 Q14 S8050 D38 1N4148 47K R89 47K U4C Non Inv In Osc Out (+) CL (-) CL Inv In P521 1 2 3 4 5 R? 10 D2 1N4007 D1 B D12 R? 100/2W Q7 D? 1N4007 4K7 R? +BAT 7 Ct Shut Down Vref Colector B Emitter B B T? S4 T? S3 T? S2 T? S1 R41 4K7 Q10 R? 47 R? 15 1 R? R? 10K 10K S8050 R? 22K D? HIJAU 1N4148 C? 4.7uF C? 4.7uF C? C?4.7uF 4.7uF R? C? 4.7uF C? 4.7uF F? 3A JP? JP? 0V 32V 250V 220V 190V 0V 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Body Pcb JP? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 RL2 +BAT MALE JP? FEMALE R23 R5 A 1N4007 D14 1N4007 R4 R3 R24 R46 100K 1 2 3 4 5

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