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Intel i845 free download

Mother board, main board pcb info and schematics

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5 4 3 2 1 Intel (R) 845E Interactive Client Reference Design D Revision X2 Last Change : 2002-09-26 D # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 C Schematic Page COVER SHEET BLOCK DIAGRAM BLOCK-POWER MECH-ROUTE NOTES CPU-P4 BUS CPU-P4 POWER CPU-ITP MCH-SYSBUS & CLOCK MCH-AGP & DDR MCH-POWER CLK-ICS950201 DDR-DIMM 0 DDR-DIMM 1 ICH4-SYSBUS & PCI ICH4-LPC & IDE & USB ICH4-POWER GLUE LOGIC SIO0-LPC47M107 SIO1-LPC47N227 CONN-COM1/COM2/LPT CONN-COM3/COM4/KBC AC97-AD1885 LAN-10/100/1000 BUS LAN-10/100/1000 CONN VGA-COUGAR-01 VGA-COUGAR-02 VGA-COUGAR-03 CONN-PCI CONN-01 IDE-FLOPPY USB0-USB1-LAN0 USB2-USB5 SYSTEM CONTROL DDR-POWER POWER Prefix A_ AC_ APIC_ AUD_ CK_ EEn_ EN_ F_ FWH_ G_ GND_ GND H_ I2C_ IDE_ INT_ KB_ L_ LANn_ LP_ M_ MIDI_ MS_ P_ SPn_ USB_ V_ ZV_ Netobject CRITICAL ANALOG TRACES AC97 SIGNAL APIC SIGNAL ANALOG AUDIO SIGNAL CLOCK SIGNAL SERIAL EEPROM LANn ENABLE FOR POWER SOURCES FLOPPY DISK SIGNAL FIRMWARE HUB SIGNAL AGP BUS SIGNAL GND SIGNAL DERIVED GND POWER P4 HOSTBUS SIGNAL I2C BUS SIGNAL IDE SIGNAL INTERRUPT SIGNAL KEYBOARD SIGNAL LPC BUS SIGNAL LAN CONTROLLER n SIGNAL LPT1284 SIGNAL MEMORY BUS SIGNAL MIDI SIGNAL MOUSE SIGNAL PCI BUS SIGNAL SERIAL PORT n SIGNAL USB PORT SIGNAL POWER ZV VIDEO PORT SIGNAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Changes from X1 to X2 All BAT54A (0-0031-1261) changed to BAT54 (0-0031-1104) due to wrong polarity R712 changed from 10k to 15k to adjust voltage PU R756 and R757 added @ U38.15 (PG_VDDR) and U38.16 (PG_V1V5) Net on pins U3.54 and U3.55 separated (BSEL[0..1]) due to naming error PU R758 added at CN34.7 (SYS_RESET#) PU R759 added at U39.4 (VIDPWRGD) C717 changed from 4u7 to 1u R607 not populated R571 and R572 not populated (FWH Test Pins) R585 and R586 not populated (for LVDS 18 Bit) R760 and C741 added to U7.50 to generate a V_3V3SB input delay for resume reset R501 and R494 not populated due to PCI config of LAN 82540 U36 FWH symbol changed due to wrong pinout (Pin 23, 24 and 25) R496 changed to 4k7 and set to GND (PD M66EN) R525 and R499 is now populated R530 not populated due to wrong V_2V5LAN voltage U20.G4 is now 51R Pulldown to GND U20.H4 is now 33R Pullup to V_3V3LAN AC97 Fixup (AC_SDIN0 -> Changed to AC_SDIN2 on ICH4) Swap ICH4 Pin N20 and P21 (H_HISTB+ / H_HISTB-) due to wrong info in yellow cover LAN 82540 Fixup (R519 populated with 0R, R517 changed to 2K49 and R513 changed to 330R) R615 changed to 4K32 due to Cougar Bug HW Rev changed to 2 at Glue Logic R373 is now populated with 10M CN12.4 must be isolated cause of shortcut of AUD_MIC_BIAS to GND PU R761-R765 added to VID[0:4] PU R766 added to U23.15, PD R767 added to U23.14 (Panellink strapping options) HD-LED-power connected to V_5V0 instead of V_5V0SB PD R768 added to PS_ON PU R769 added to U3.28 (PGOOD408#) PD R770, R771, R772 added to power enables (default off, if CPLD not configured) PD R773-R776 added to serial port shut down pins Splitted SMI# and PME# s

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