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® TDA2003 10W CAR RADIO AUDIO AMPLIFIER DESCRIPTION The TDA 2003 has improved performance with the same pin configuration as the TDA 2002. The additional features of TDA 2002, very low number of external components,ease of assembly, space and cost saving, are maintained. Thedevice provides a high output currentcapability (up to 3.5A) very low harmonic and cross-over distortion. Completely safe operation is guaranteed due to protectionagainst DC and AC short circuit between all pins and ground, thermal over-range,load dump voltage surge up to 40V and fortuitous open ground. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol VS VS VS IO IO Ptot Tstg, Tj DC supply voltage Operating supply voltage Output peak current (repetitive) Output peak current (non repetitive) Power dissipation at Tcase = 90°C Storage and junction temeperature Parameter Peak supply voltage (50ms) PENTAWATT ORDERING NUMBERS : TDA 2003H TDA 2003V Value 40 28 18 3.5 4.5 20 -40 to 150 Unit V V V A A W °C TEST CIRCUIT October 1998 1/10 TDA2003 PIN CONNECTION (top view) SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM THERMAL DATA Symbol Rth-j-case Parameter Thermal resistance junction-case max Value 3 Unit °C/W 2/10 TDA2003 DC TEST CIRCUIT AC TEST CIRCUIT ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ( Vs = 14.4V, Tamb = 25 °C unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit DC CHARACTERISTICS (Refer to DC test circuit) Vs Vo Id Supply voltage Quiescent output voltage (pin 4) Quiescent drain current (pin 5) 8 6.1 6.9 44 18 7.7 50 V V mA AC CHARACTERISTICS (Refer to AC test circuit, Gv = 40 dB) Po Output power d = 10% f = 1 kHz RL RL RL RL = 4 = 2 = 3.2 = 1.6 5.5 9 6 10 7.5 12 W W W W mV 14 55 10 50 mV mV mV mV Vi(rms) Vi Input saturation voltage Input sensitivity f = 1 kHz Po = 0.5W Po = 6W Po = 0.5W Po 10W RL RL RL RL = 4 = 4 = 2 = 2 300 3/10 TDA2003 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Symbol B d Parameter Frequency response (-3 dB) Distortion Test conditions Po = 1W RL = 4 f = 1 kHz Po = 0.05 to4.5W RL = 4 Po = 0.05 to 7.5W RL = 2 f = 1 kHz f = 1 kHz f = 10 kHz f = 1 kHz RL = 4 (0) (0) f = 1 Hz Po = 6W Po = 10W f = 100 Hz Vripple = 0.5V Rg = 10 k R L = 4 R L = 2 39.3 70 Min. Typ. 40 to 15,000 Max. Unit Hz 0.15 0.15 150 80 60 40 1 60 69 65 40.3 5 200 % % k dB dB dB µV pA % % Ri Gv Gv eN iN Input resistance (pin 1) Voltage gain (open loop) Voltage gain (closed loop) Input noise voltage Input noise current Efficiency SVR Supply voltage rejection R L = 4 30 36 dB (0) Filter with noise bandwidth: 22 Hz to 22 kHz Figure 1. Quiescent output voltage vs. supply voltage Figure 2. Quiescent drain current vs. supply voltage Figure 3. Output power vs. supply voltage 4/10 TDA2003 Figure 4. Output power vs. load resistance RL Fi gure 5. Gain vs. inp ut sensivity Figure 6. Gain vs. input sensivity F i gu re 7. Di stortion vs. output power Fi g ure 8. Disto r tion vs. frequency Figure 9. Supply voltage rejection vs. voltage gain Figure 10. Supply voltage rejection vs. frequency Figure 11

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