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SAMSUNG SGH-E720 free download

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GSM TELEPHONE SGH-E720 GSM TELEPHONE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CONTENTS Specification Flow Chart of Troubleshooting Exploded Views and Parts List Electrical Parts List PCB Diagrams Block Diagrams 1. SGH-E720 Specification 1-1. GSM General Specification GSM900 Phase 1 Freq. Ban d [M Hz ] Upl in k/Downl in k A RF C N ra n g e Tx/Rx spaci ng Mod. Bit rat e/ Bit Period Tim e Sl ot P eri od /F rame Peri od Modu lat ion M S Power P ow e r Cl a ss S e nsi ti vit y TDM A Mu x Cell Radiu s 89 0~ 91 5 93 5~ 96 0 1 ~ 1 24 45 MHz 270.833kbp s 3.692us 576.9us 4. 61 5m s 0. 3GM SK EGSM 900 Pha se 2 88 0~ 91 5 92 5~ 96 0 0 ~ 1 24 & 9 75 ~ 10 23 45 MHz 2 70 . 8 33 k b ps 3.692us 576.9us 4 .6 15 m s 0. 3GM S K DCS1800 Phase 1 1 71 0~ 1 78 5 1 80 5~ 1 88 0 51 2~8 85 95 MHz 270.833kbp s 3.692us 576.9us 4. 61 5ms 0. 3GM SK 3 0d B m ~ 0 d Bm 0pcl ~ 15pcl -100dBm 8 2Km PCS1900 18 50 ~1 91 0 19 30 ~1 99 0 5 12 ~ 8 10 8 0M H z 27 0. 83 3kb p s 3. 69 2u s 57 6. 9u s 4. 61 5ms 0.3GMSK 30 d Bm ~0d Bm 0pcl ~ 15pcl -100dBm 8 - 3 3d B m ~ 13 dBm 33dBm~5dBm 5pcl ~ 15pcl -102dBm 8 35 Km 5pcl ~ 19pcl - 10 2d B m 8 35 Km 1-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E720 Specification 1-2. GSM TX power class TX Power control level 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 GSM900 33±2 dBm 31±2 dBm 29±2 dBm 27±2 dBm 25±2 dBm 23±2 dBm 21±2 dBm 19±2 dBm 17±2 dBm 15±2 dBm 13±2 dBm 11±3 dBm 9± 3dBm 7±3 dBm 5±3 dBm TX Power control level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DCS1800 30±3 dBm 28±3 dBm 26±3 dBm 24±3 dBm 22±3 dBm 20±3 dBm 18±3 dBm 16±3 dBm TX Power control level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PCS1900 30±3 dBm 28±3 dBm 26±3 dBm 24±3 dBm 22±3 dBm 20±3 dBm 18±3 dBm 16±3 dBm 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1-2 14±3 dBm 12±4 dBm 10±4 dBm 8±4 dBm 6±4 dBm 4±4 dBm 2±5 dBm 0±5 dBm 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14±3 dBm 12±4 dBm 10±4 dBm 8±4 dBm 6±4 dBm 4±4 dBm 2±5 dBm 0±5 dBm SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 2. SGH-E720 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 2-1.Baseband 2-1-1. Power ON 'Power ON' Does not work Check the current consumption Current consumption 100mA ? YES Check the V bat. voltage NO Down load again Voltage 3.3V ? YES Check the pins of U401 NO Charge the Battery C415 1.8V ? YES C418 and C419 = 2.8V? YES NO NO Check U401 and C415 C420=1.5V? YES NO Check U401 and C420 Check the clock signal at pin #3 of OSC101 Freq.=13MHz,Vrms 300mV YES NO Check the clock generation circuit (OSC101, F100 pin#4) Check the Initial operation END 2-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization VCCD_1_5 VCCD_1_8 VRTC C201 C202 C203 C204 C205 C207 C208 C209 C206 JTAG CLK13M_TR RST R243 CN506 NC2 2 NC1 1 V201 D(0:15) D(0) D(1) D(2) D(3) D(4) D(5) D(6) D(7) D(8) D(9) D(10) D(11) D(12) D(13) D(14) D(15) CP_WEN CP_OEN FLASH_RESET ROM1_C S ONENAND_C S RAM1_C S LCDC_C S YMU_C S LOWER_BYTE UPPER_

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11-01-2008u10617711568Proper pdf (not scanned paper). Full schematic and block diagram. PCB layout (but not all parts identified). Exploded diagram (no disassy instructions). Debugging flowcharts.

Average rating for this file: 8.00 ( from 1 votes)

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