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Now downloading free:Blaupunkt Amsterdam TCM127

Blaupunkt Amsterdam TCM127 free download

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File information:
File name:Blaupunkt_TCM127_Schematics.part1.rar
[preview Amsterdam TCM127]
Size:1423 kB
Model:Amsterdam TCM127 🔎
Descr:Schematics and PCB board details.
Group:Electronics > Automobile > Car Audio
Multipart: 0  1  2

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File name Blaupunkt_TCM127_Schematics.pdf

R2733 R2730 Schalterplatte Key board PL 8552 A06 Chip R2728 R2725 4 D2755 6 R2745 3 1 R2758 R2755 R883 R2718 R2715 R882 R892 C1001 C1002 C1003 C1004 R893 R884 R881 R880 D2720 1 6 3 4 D2715 4 3 6 1 C1006 C1008 C1007 3 4 1 D2725 6 3 R891 4 R861 R860 R1076 R1086 1 D2730 6 D2745 1 6 3 R1007 4 R870 R2720 R2723 R2748 R862 R2739 R863 R2742 R865 6 R855 1 R2740 4 D2740 3 R2743 R864 Entstörplatte Filter board PL 0171 A02 L2105 L2101 L2102 L2109 L2107 1 2 3 4 5 P2110 R2738 R2735 38 39 1 C1005 128 R1004 R1003 R1001 D2710 R2710 1 6 R2713 3 4 3 4 R853 1 D2735 R2763 R2760 R1075 C1071 6 R1073 R851 R850 R875 C1021 R1002 D1000 R1081 R1071 R872 64 65 R871 102 103 R2704 R890 R852 C1020 R854 R1085 3 V2704 R2701 1 R1080 R1083 P2111 C1022 8 D1070 1 5 C1081 4 6 D2760 R2753 R2750 6 D2705 1 R2705 4 3 R1070 L1002 R1009 V2703 R873 R874 R2708 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 N860 R2702 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 6 4 to P2010/P2011 Main board 1 3 D2750 4 C2104 C2103 H2723 H2722 H2721 H2720 H2728 C2109 PL 8552 A06 Chip H2733 H2732 H2731 C2102 C2101 Schalterplatte Key board H2727 H2726 H2725 Entstörplatte Filter board PL 0171 A02 Chip C2108 C2106 C2105 C2110 5 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 DV2120 DV2121 to DV2013/DV2012 Connector board H2710 C2107 H2711 H2718 H2740 H2741 H2730 H2758 H2757 H2756 H2755 H2763 H2762 H2761 H2760 H2712 H2705 H2706 H2715 H2717 H2748 H2747 H2746 H2745 H2753 H2752 H2751 H2750 H2738 H2737 H2736 H2708 H2707 H2713 H2716 H2735 TS SRC TA BND DSC AUD OK ME CL DOLBY B NR DOLBY B NR ABC DEF 1 GHI 2 JKL 3 MNO 4 PQRS 5 TUV 6 WXYZ 7 MIX 8 0 9 AF TP TA lo AMSTERDAM TCM 127 CC 480 Referenz ZF - A/D Wandler TCLK TMS TDI TDO TDI1 TDO1 6 5 4 3 31 34 59 60 62 61 IFN IFP REFN2 REFP2 AUTORADIO Pin-Belegung des FM/AM Tuner-IC D1 Tuner IC D1 Pin configuration Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Amsterdam TCM 127 7 647 980 010 Pin-Belegung des IC D150 Digital IC D150 Pin Configuration Function Pin No. 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 I/O I O O O I I O O O I I I O I O O I O O I O O - Name MIXDEC CINT CHOLD PLLGND VCC VPLL LFINP LF1 LF2 LF3 VTUNE OSCINP OSCOUT OSCGND VCC OSCBUF DGND CS RD TX FREF IFAGC2 IFOUT1 IFOUT2 IFAGC1 IFGND IFIN VDC VCC MIXOUT2 MIXOUT1 AMREF AMMIXIN RFAGC3 RFAGCAM RFAGCFM MIXGND RFAGC2 RFAGC1 Funktion Mischer Entkopplung für PLL für PLL PLL - Masse 8,5V PLL Oberspannung Schleifenfiltereingang Schleifenfilter 1 Schleifenfilter 2 Schleifenfilter 3 Abstimmspannung Oszillator Eingang Oszillator Ausgang Oszillator Masse 8,5V Oszillatorausgangstreiber Digitale Masse Chip Select Dateneingang Datenausgang Referenzfrequenz ZF Regelspannung 2 ZF - Ausgang 1 ZF - Ausgang 2 ZF Regelspannung 1 ZF Masse ZF Eingang Interne Referenzspannung 8,5V Mischerausgang 2 Mischerausg

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