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Now downloading free:Ariston AI858CTX_00119

Ariston AI858CTX_00119 free download

Washing Machines service manual and repair instructions

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Model:AI858CTX_00119 🔎
Descr:Ariston Washing Machine
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Washing Machines
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Model type: AI858CTX Commercial code: 00119 General notes Technical Documentation guidelines ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You can find herewith some generic information to simplify cunsulting of technical documentation: 1. Models of same range share the same exploded views, which report the richest set of spare parts:generally, a model does not necessarly have a related spare part for each particular shown on exploded views. 2. Some spare parts can not be represented directly on the exploded views (instruction booklets, specific kit, etc...). You can find those codes in the spare parts list with the same reference of particular where spares are installed or with references 099, 999. Instruction booklets, once managed, appear with 000 reference. 3. On the higher right site of each exploded view there is a serial number which indicates the beginning of the production of certain range:some models might have more than an exploded view for a given category, each distinguished by a different serial no.and linked to another spare parts list, In this case, serial no. is required to supply the right spare part code. Exploded view to be considered is the one with a more recent serial no. but previous than the one of the model that needs assistance. 4.Exploded views might require further updates even after publishing. Addition of new spares will go on following the already existing numeration references. Revision number of an exploded view is shown into last four digits of serial number into upper right hand corner. 5.The spare parts list associated to an exploded view shows related codes of spares managed for a certain model; for each spare part other informations are available: REF: reference no of spare into a table; SUBSTITUTE: list of spare(s) which can replace a code but that keeps same functional characteristics INDUSTRIAL CODE: list of variables of a model (shown into model label) where such spare is used; NOTICE: code of information(s) to refer to complete technical intervention, track for changes or to find correct spare part code. 6. Some notices, into a same section are generic therefore cannot be directly linked to a spare part. In order to assist a model in the best way as possible, it is helpful to pay attention to all notices and constantly verify documentation updates 7.Technical documentation cover shows model name and its commercial codes mod.AI858CTX page 2 1070430a Exploded views mod.AI858CTX page 3 1070430a Spare parts list Ref. 000 001 003 004 005 006 007 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 021 021 022 023 024 025 028 030 Code C00032178 C00031128 C00032078 C00031129 C00032180 C00030352 C00032052 C00033091 C00031079 C00002555 C00032169 C00031075 C00019662 C00019672 C00021880 C00019705 C00021894 C00003044 C00019704 C00019690 C00022487 C00031856 C00029

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