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Now downloading free:Sony Ericsson W810

Sony Ericsson W810 free download

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File information:
File name:W810_component_placing.rar
Size:199 kB
Mfg:Sony Ericsson
Model:W810 🔎
Descr:component placing
Group:Electronics > GSM Mobile Phones
Multipart:No multipart

Information about the files in archive:
Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:1
File name W810_component_placing.PDF

Component Placing, Electrical Component Placing, Electrical Applicable for W810 Contents 1 2 3 Mounting drawing table... 2 Mounting drawing ... 3 Revision history ... 5 1078-2/FEA 209 544/108 A Company Internal Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB Component Placing, Electrical 1 Mounting drawing table Board Number Search functionality added. By using the "FIND" function and enter the component name you can find the position of the component. 1078-2/FEA 209 544/108 A Company Internal Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB 2(5) ROA 128 1746 rev D S2411 V2432 C2603 C2604 R2603 R2604 C2621 C2380 C2371 C2382 C2381 R2330 R2379 R1602 L1331 C1332 C1331 R1601 C1333 C2322 R2322 R2632 C2321 R2386 R2387 C2386 C2383 R2382 C2311 R2311 C2310 R2381 C2303 C2302 C2304 R2380 C2432 C2434 N2300 R2383 R2384 C2385 C2350 C2353 R2404 C2634 C2372 C2312 C2313 C2329 C2622 C2623 C2320 ST2287 C2608 C2643 C2624 R2627 C1460 C2630 C2629 C1461 V2433 GND C2351 C2352 C2384 C2642 V2431 C2436 X1104 N1100 C1102 IN OUT C2404 R2431 C2330 R2435 C2435 TP1 R2430 C1501 R1500 C1440 C1502 R1501 N1500 C1500 ST2661 R2454 R2453 C2441 X1102 N2600 SP2201 SP2405 C2431 C2628 SP2430 L2608 V2430 V2440 R1502 J2401 C2840 C2633 C2690 R1451 X1103 V2435 C2613 L2400 R2690 R2995 C2661 V2612 ST2640 C2616 R2612 R2219 R2226 C2615 ST2610 C2662 C2211 ST2641 C2640 C2713 R2214 R2325 R2351 R2201 C2607 L2607 C2735 C2702 C2736 C2750 R2222 C2450 R2210 L2450 C2641 R2674 C2741 R2230 R2228 C2722 C2705 R2202 R2216 R2260 C2752 C2751 D2222 R2620 V2842 X1100 L2341 C2842 R2601 D2221 C2725 R2223 R2218 V2740 R2211 C2730 R2412 C2433 1. VBUS 2. SP REF/FM ANT V2600 V2610 C2347 C2346 R2213 V2681 V2802 C2858 V2434 R2815 C2348 TP2602 L2343 V2843 C2857 C2843 C2846 C2845 C2856 C2847 N2670 X2810 TP2601 X2331 X2340 X2341 R2411 C2724 C2711 C2738 C2720 3. MIC+/AUX IN L 4. MIC-/AUX IN R 5. SP LEFT 6. SP RIGHT 7. VIDEO STROBE 8. AID/ACB/VPPflash 9. GND 10. D+/DFMS 11. D-/DFMS 12. DCIO V2819 V2680 C2602 C2601 R2512 R2212 R2814 R2811 V2844 R2681 R2730 R2813 C2620 R2812 R2517 V2841 R2510 R2830 R2810 C2810 R2231 E2502 C2332 L2333 V2730 B2200 R2599 C2737 C2202 C2201 R2205 R3214 C2734 C2701 C2739 C2710 D2200 R2220 C2723 D2220 V2840 R2816 R2817 C2595 C2524 C2509 C2671 C2596 R2805 R2820 R2804 R2802 N2575 X2600 C2334 L2331 C2726 R2217 C2599 R2594 C2331 ST2670 N2802 C2672 C2506 C3214 N3210 C2712 N2591 R2754 R2232 R2224 C2763 C2754 C2765 R2671 R2672 R2595 R2580 R2581 N2801 N2580 R2507 R2801 R2806 R2829 C3216 R3215 C2841 C2510 R2583 X2330 C2336 V2410 R2606 C2605 C321

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