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Now downloading free:Technics SA-GX505

Technics SA-GX505 free download

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File name:Technics SA-GX505 -sm.rar
[preview SA-GX505]
Size:1925 kB
Model:SA-GX505 🔎 SAGX505
Descr:Audio Video Control stereo receiver - Service manual
Group:Electronics > Automobile > Car Audio
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Technics SA-GX505 -sm.pdf

WI415 sJs9233A ICCasllEr Ccm II I I I I VU301 VRYll ww2 WI1 NNDxAMoEi3 V. R RI I wo xu. bWJTF25BlS V. R MIN WLIME NJLxsm1GIs v. rl WC2 NWQ2Q22240 V. R CENTER FREM I PACKING r I I _ _ _- _-----A4 AI-A3, P4 1 F.B.Ass'y I s2 I I I I I I I L __---(P2 @ @ 0 0 : Part No. RPN0324-21 n RESISTORS & CAPACITORS Wotes : l Capacity valuse are in microfarads (uF) unless specified other.ise.P=Pico~farads(pF) F=Farads(F) l Resistance values are in ohms. unless specified otherwise, lK=l. OOO(OW) , lY=l. 000k@lM01) RlD7 RlD8 ERC62TJ103 IERDSTJ151 1 l/d!? 1,4W 1/4w 1,4W 1/4w 1,4W 1/4w 1,4w 1,4W 1/W 1OOK 68 2.7K 33 56 68 33 56 47K 2.7K iOK 47K iK 10K 3.3K 82K 471K 2.2K R603.604 R605.606 R601.608 ERL62TJ563 ERDSZTJ182 ERDSZTJ663 ERC62TJ470 1,4W 1,4W 1,4W 1,4w 56K 1.8K 66K 47 _ IRzll AZ12 R213 /ERDSZTJ222 ~ERDSZTJ153 iERDSZTJ104 1 1/4W 1 1,4W '5K 1 1/4W 2.2K h367.368 1ERDSZTJ272T 1,4W 1,4w 1,4W 1,4W 1,4w ,,4W 1/4W 1,4W 1,4W 1NW ERC62TJ473 R616m618 ERESlFVJZZlT ERG2ANJP331S 1,4w I/Z+ 2.t 47K A 330 1,4w mi ERDSZTJ684 ERNFVJMT 1,4w 1mV 680K 180 A ._~, Printed in Japan H910503570 NHIYUITN n REAR PANEL TERMINALS AND FUNCTIONS @ Antenna connectlon terminals @ "PHONO" terminals C~nnec, a turntable only DO not source to tnese terminals. connect any other sound @ "VIDEO OUT" terminal Connect a video connection cable input termmal of TV or projection TV (not Included) lo the video @ "CD" terminals Connect a ~,ere~ CO"~~C,IO~ cable (not Included) to the "LINE OUT' termma, of the compact disc player @Z "TAPEIDAT" terminals Connect a tape deck 01 a d&!,al audio tape deck (DAT) by using stereo c~nnec,lon cables (not included). @ Outlets "SWITCHED" Power to these wflets IS cOntrOlled by the power swtch of fhls un,,. Audw equ,pmen, rated up to 80 W (total for all outlets) can be connected here For proper remote-control operation. connect the power cords of the ape deck and compacf disc player 10 these outlets as indicated below: 0 "VCR 2" terminals Conner, a second VCR or a "ldeo disc player DY "Sl"g SlereO connec,,on cable (not Included) and video conneCtIOn cable (not included) Th,s ""I, @ AC IN socket (AC IN) @ Speaker impedance selector Before use, se, lo fhe correct Impedance corresponding to the wnpedance of the speaker systems be,"g used V,deo d,sc player (not included) @ "GND" terminal Connect the turntable's applicable). ground wire to this terminal (lf - 3 1SA-GX505 @ "VCR 1" terminals Connect a "CR by us,ng stewa ~~nne~t,cr cables (not ed) and wdeo connectlo" cables (not included) tnclud- @ Remote-control OUT terminal (REMOTE CONTROL OUT) This terminal can be used only with Technics components which have the appropriate remole-co"lro1 terminal (Consul, your dealer for deta,Is proper cO""eC,lO" w,ttl remote-control COnneCtlO" cables SJP2257T WIII allow control of some functions from thls unll's remote-control transmitter Connect to a tape deck and/or compact disc player as shown ) @ "CENTER OUT" terminal Th

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