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File name:XBOX.part1.rar
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Size:2050 kB
Mfg:Microsoft XBOX
Descr:Microsoft XBOX User Manual and Repair Guide
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics
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File name Live_Ins_Manual.pdf

TM Xbox Live TM Instruction Manual Important! Before using this product, read the Xbox Instruction Manual for important safety information and health warnings. Please retain both the Xbox Instruction Manual and these instructions for future reference. Manual de instrucciones de Xbox Live IMPORTANTE: Antes de utilizar este producto, lea el Manual de instrucciones del Sistema de videojuegos Xbox para obtener información importante acerca de la seguridad y advertencias sobre la salud. Guarde el Manual de instrucciones del Sistema de videojuegos Xbox y estas instrucciones para consultas en el futuro. Manuel d'instructions Xbox Live Important! Avant d'utiliser ce produit, consultez le manuel de la console de jeu vidéo Xbox. Vous y trouverez des conseils de sécurité et de santé importants. Conservez le manuel de la console de jeu vidéo Xbox ainsi que les instructions fournies dans le présent document, afin de pouvoir vous y référer ultérieurement. 2 Xbox Live Instruction Manual English Safety Information About Photosensitive Seizures A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these "photosensitive epileptic seizures" while watching video games. These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling down or striking nearby objects. Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptoms--children and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience these seizures. The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by sitting farther from the television screen, using a smaller television screen, playing in a well-lit room, and not playing when you are drowsy or fatigued. If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor before playing. Other Important Health and Safety Information The Xbox Instruction Manual contains important health and safety information that you should read and understand before using this software. Avoid Damage to Your Television Do not use with certain televisions. Some televisions, especially front- or rear-projection types, can be damaged if any video games, including Xbox games, are played on them. Static images presented during the normal course of game play may "burn in" to the screen, causing a permanent shadow of the static image to appear at all times, even when video games are not being played. Similar damage may occur from static images created when placing a video game on hold or pause. Con
File name XboxRepairGuide.pdf

Index OPEN AN XBOX Open a Controller Cleaning your Xbox DVD drive Xbox DVD repair USB PORT INSTALLATION USING PC DVD DRIVE HARD DRIVE UPGRADES FTP MASTERCLASS Linux on your XBOX Open an Xbox Step 1 - Start with the necessary tools and a clear work area. Helpful tools: Insulated screw grabber (comes with many PC repair kits) X-Acto Knife useful for removing stickers and feet. Wax paper, good for keeping those stickers in shape. Required tools: Torx 20 Torx 10 Step 2 - peel back the stickers. If you're not too worried about looks a Torx #20 punches right through the stickers with ease. If you want to keep it looking tidy cut a piece of wax paper to size to help preserve the stickers. Step 3 - The other case screws, a total of 6. Getting at the screws under the feet. Just peel back the outer edge of the rubber foot. Leave the other half of the adhesive rubber foot to hold it in place. This is a good time to get out the X-Acto knife to help peel back the adhesive. (Update, I find I just cut the feet when I try to use the X-acto knife, try wedging the #20 Torx in there and twist it using the "fins" on the driver to pull up the pad just enough to get to the screw) Once you are able to get the feet up just enough to get at the screw start un screwing, let the screw push the foot out of the way rather than trying to peel it back further this way the pad is only removed as much is absolutely necessary. Once all six screws are removed, flip the box upright and grab the sides and shake it a little bit and the bottom should drop away from the cover. I find this is done most easily by putting the Xbox in my lap. Step 4 - Drive removal, there are 3 screws total holding in both drives. First remove the one for the hard drive; it is located under the IDE cable. Two others are on either side of the front of the DVD drive. Once the screws are removed unplug the IDE cable to the Hard Drive and loosen the power cord from the track it sits in on the drive tray if you miss this step you wont be able to remove the drive. The power cord can be left plugged in on the hard drive, the cord is long enough to allow you to position as desired. The hard drive needs to be lifted straight up for removal and there is no really good way to grab it, I find sticking a finger in the hole in the front right of the carrier and grasping the rear of the carrier with the other hand works to get it loose, moved up about an inch or so and then lifting it with both hands from the sides to remove it. Step 5 - With the Hard drive out of the way we get a good shot of the mounting screws for the power supply and DVD drive. Get those two screws at the front of the DVD drive after removing the IDE cable and Yellow cord from the motherboard. You may have a little difficulty removing the DVD drive, it does not slip out easily but as long as you have the two screws in the front and the two cables in the rear removed it can come out, again the trick is to go straight up. Now with the drives

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