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SONY HCD-GRX5 free download

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File name SONY HCD-GRX5 PAGES 41-74.pdf

HCD-GRX5/RX66 7-24. PRINTED WIRING BOARD ­ POWER AMP Section ­ · See page 18 for Circuit Boards Location. · See page 27 for Note on Printed Wiring Boards. (page 43) · Semiconductor Location Ref. No. Location D800 D801 D841 D842 D843 D851 IC801 Q801 Q851 D-1 F-2 F-2 F-2 C-2 C-2 E-3 F-2 C-2 (page 63) ­ 60 ­ HCD-GRX5/RX66 7-25. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ­ POWER AMP Section ­ · See page 27 for Note on Schematic Diagram. (page 64) (page 47) · Voltages and waveforms are dc with respect to ground under no-signal (detuned) conditions. no mark : FM Note: The components identified by mark ! or dotted line with mark ! are critical for safety. Replace only with part number specified. Note: Les composants identifiés par une marque ! sont critiques pour la sécurité. Ne les remplacer que par une piéce portant le numéro spécifié. ­ 61 ­ ­ 62 ­ HCD-GRX5/RX66 7-26. PRINTED WIRING BOARD ­ TRANSFORMER Section ­ · See page 18 for Circuit Boards Location. · See page 27 for Note on Printed Wiring Board. 7-27. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ­ TRANSFORMER Section ­ · See page 27 for Note on Schematic Diagram. (page 62) (page 52) Note: The components identified by mark ! or dotted line with mark ! are critical for safety. Replace only with part number specified. Note: Les composants identifiés par une marque ! sont critiques pour la sécurité. Ne les remplacer que par une piéce portant le numéro spécifié. (page 43) (page 60) ­ 63 ­ ­ 64 ­ · IC Block Diagrams ­ BD Board ­ IC101 CXA1992AR RF_M RF_O RFTC RF_I PD2 PD1 CC1 CC2 39 38 37 VEE ­ + 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 + ­ PD2 IV AMP FE_BIAS 40 PD1 IV AMP RF SUMMING AMP ­ + FOK 27 PD CP CB ­ + LD APC VEE ­ + F 41 LASER POWER CONTROL F IV AMP ­ + ­ + E 42 ­ + VCC FE AMP ­ + ­ + E IV AMP EI 43 BAL1 BAL2 BAL3 BAL4 ­ + + ­ + ­ IFB4 IFB2 IFB3 IFB5 IFB1 IFB6 TOG1 TOG2 TOG3 TOG4 VEE 44 VEE TGFL VEE + ­ FO. BIAS WINDOW COMP. TEO 45 + ­ + ­ TRK. GAIN WINDOW COMP. + ­ MIRR LPCL TGFL LPC CC1 LPFI 46 + ­ + ­ E-F BALANCE WINDOW COMP. DFCT1 LDON TEI 47 ­ + ATSC 48 ­ + FOH FOL TGH TGL BALH BALL ATSC TZC FZC ATSC WINDOW COMP. ­ + TZC 49 TZC COMP. TDFCT 50 VCC DFCT TM1 TG1 TRACKING PHASE COMPENSATION VC 51 VCC FZC 52 + ­ VEE VEE FS2 Charge up TG2 FSET DFCT ­ + VEE FZC COMP. FS4 VEE 1 FEO 2 FEI 3 FDFCT 4 FGD 5 FLB 6 FE_O 7 FE_M 8 SRCH 9 TGU 10 TG2 11 FSET 12 TA_M 13 TA_O ­ 65 ­ + ­ FOCUS PHASE COMPENSATION ­ + + ­ VCC + ­ ­ + ­ + ­ + ­ + ­ + 26 SENS2 VCC ­ + IIL TTL 25 SENS1 VCC 24 C. OUT VEE ­ + + ­ DFCT 23 XRST VEE LEVEL S FOK + ­ + ­ VEE 22 DATA + ­ + ­ VCC MIRR IIL TTL TTL IIL 21 XLT 20 CLK IIL DATA REGISTER INPUT SHIFT REGISTER ADDRESS DECODER SENS SELECTOR OUTPUT DECODER VCC 19 LOCK 18 VCC DFCTO IFB1-6 BAL1-4 TOG1-4 FS1-4 TG1-2 TM1-7 PS1-4 ISET 17 ISET VCC TM4 TM6 VCC 16 SL_O 15 SL_M VCC FS1 TM7 TM3 TM5 14 SL_P TM2 + ­ IC102 BA5941FP-E2 OP IN (­) OP IN (+) OP OUT OUT3A OUT3B OUT4A OUT4B IN4B IN4A IN3B IN3A GND

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