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File name forumbrochure07.pdf

Who Should Attend? The 4-H Horse Forum is for 4-H volunteers, parents, Extension Educators and 4-H teens (14 or older). Meet other leaders, teens and industry professionals. Share ideas, get the latest information to help you with your 4-H activities and have fun! REGISTER EARLY and SELECT OPTION. Options will be assigned by date received. Space is limited! Please copy registration form for additional registrants. Registration will be accepted through February 10, 2007 by mail, fax, or online at: The fee includes all costs of instruction and materials, beverage breaks, continental breakfasts, and a box lunch. To register, return the completed registration form with payment by February 10 and your registration will be confirmed by U.S. Mail. Late registrations postmarked after this date must pay an additional charge of $20 per person to register. Walk-in registrations will be accepted as space allows. Return completed registration form and payment to the address below. For more information about registration contact: PA State 4-H Horse Forum The Pennsylvania State University Conferences and Short Courses 306 Ag Administration Building University Park, PA 16802-2601 Telephone: (814) 865-8301 Fax: (814) 865-7050 TTY: (814) 865-1204 PA State 4-H Horse Forum 18 U.S.C. 707 Lodging Reservations must be made by February 1 to get group rate. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Days Inn at a special rate of $79.00 per room. To reserve a room, call (800) 258-3297 or (814) 2388454. Reservations must be made prior to February 1 in order to receive this special rate. Please indicate that you are attending the PA State 4-H Horse Forum (Room block code: 4H07) For more information about the program contact: Pat Comerford Telephone: (814) 863-3657 E-mail: [email protected] Cancellation The University reserves the right to cancel or postpone any course activity due to insufficient enrollment or other unforeseen circumstances. If the conference is canceled or postponed, the University will refund registration fees but cannot be held responsible for other costs, charges, or expenses, including cancellation/change charges assessed by airlines or travel agencies. This publication is available in alternative media upon request. The Pennsylvania State University is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to programs, facilities, admission, and employment without regard to personal characteristics not related to ability, performance, or qualifications as determined by University policy or by state or federal authorities. It is the policy of the University to maintain an academic and work environment free of discrimination, including harassment. The Pennsylvania State University prohibits discrimination and harassment against any person because of age, ancestry, color, disability or handicap, national origin, race, religious creed, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Discrimination or harassm
File name programdescriptionsforum07.pdf

Program Descriptions 2007 4-H Horse Forum Workshops (Days Inn, State College) 2007 4-H Horse Program Update- Pat Comerford, Penn State Extension Horse Specialist Get the latest information on 4-H Horse Program events, activities, rules, program ideas, project materials, etc. Come learn what's new for 2007 and attend recognition program for safety and other award winners. How Your Attitude Affects Your Altitude- Dr.Clint Depew, Louisiana State University Your attitude and approach to riding, training and life in general affects everything you do! It impacts your performance, your horse, a judge's opinion and how others perceive you. Make it the best you can! Equine Insurance Coverage- Walt Jeffers, Owner, Jeffers Insurance Learn about the ins and outs of equine insurance coverage, including understanding insurance and planning for the future. Have a more comfortable attitude about insurance and learn to make the best decisions for the future. Therapeutic Riding: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know Nina Hill, PA Council On Therapeutic Horsemanship 4-H therapeutic horsemanship enrollment is growing! Learn more about working with therapeutic riding participants and share experiences from a successful instructor. Essential Elements of 4-H - Christy Bartley, Program Leader, 4-H Youth Development Are your members getting the most out of 4-H? Learn about the essentials every great club should offer and elements of youth development. Tips for Successful Judging Teams - Brian Egan, Penn State Equine Science Instructor What is judging all about? Where do I start? How do I coach or learn about judging? This session will provide ideas for coaching or competing on a successful horse judging team. Horsemanship Skills Gymkhana- Betsy Ullrich, Chester County 4-H Volunteer Horsemanship Skills Gymkhanas can be a fun and innovative way to teach and learn skills! Involve members and horses in an educational Level 1-2 gymkhana and encourage members to participate in these classes.. Healthy Competition- Tom McHugh, Extension 4-H Educator. Luzerne/Lackawanna Counties What is "healthy competition", and why do we have it in 4-H? Develop a formula for success for competition that can help create a positive learning environment for youth. How Safe Is Your 4-H Club?- Christy Bartley, Program Leader, 4-H Youth Development This hands-on experience will help you to identify and learn to manage risks in your 4-H club activities. Participants will design a risk management plan for a current club project or activity. 4-H Model Horse Projects- Kirsten Dubbs, Extension 4-H Educator, Clinton/Lycoming Counties How do you start a model horse project? What project books are available? What do youth learn from models? Learn the essentials and practical aspects of starting a model horse club or adding model activities to your "real" horse club. Trail Riding Essentials: Ride Smart!- Bud and Gwen Wills, PA Equine Council Are you ready to hit the trail? Planning, packing, picking a route, an
File name safetyawardapplication07.pdf

PA 4-H HORSE SAFETY AWARDS PURPOSE Accidents are the leading cause of death for children and youth ages 1 to 24 years. The Pennsylvania 4-H Horse Program will recognize significant activities by individuals, groups and clubs in the promotion of safety to save lives and reduce injuries. The purpose of the Pennsylvania 4-H Horse Safety Awards program is to promote safety by recognizing the efforts of youth and adults in creating and delivering equine safety programs. Additionally, the safety awards program highlights the leadership of 4-H in safety education and accident prevention. Similar awards programs are encouraged at the local or county level. ELIGIBILITY The award is open to all youth and adults involved with the 4-H Horse Program who have conducted significant equine safety programs during the past two years. Programs may include, but are not limited to: Children, Emergency Preparedness, Farm/Ranch, Health/First Aid, School, and Recreation. Safety program must have been conducted within the two years prior to January 1, 2007. ENTRY DIRECTIONS Applicants must complete official entry form. Supplemental video/audio tapes will be accepted. The decision of the judges is final. The entry must be postmarked by February 5, 2007. (Deadline extended!) Mail entry form to: Dr. Dennis Murphy Penn State University 221 Ag Engineering Building University Park, PA 16802 JUDGING CRITERIA All entries will be judged by the following criteria. 1. Clarity of Presentation (overall entry... 10%) 2. Evidence of need for program (question 3... 20%) 3. Leadership in initiating or developing program (questions 4,5,6... 20%) · Personal/group involvement · Involvement of other groups/organizations · Involvement of media 4. Results achieved (questions 7 & 8 ...50%) · Number of people reached · Changes affected College of Agricultural Sciences Department of Dairy and Animal Science PA 4-H Horse Program Award Application Awards are granted to individuals and groups for achievement in safety awareness and accident prevention. Plaques will be presented at the PA 4-H Horse Forum March 2-4, 2007 held in State College. Award recipients will receive a complimentary registration to the 2007 PA 4-H Horse Forum. Deadline: All entries must be postmarked by January25, 2007. Award Category Individual Youth (4-H member 8-18) Individual Adult (leader, parent, extension agent, etc.) Club/Group (local 4-H club, therapeutic riding program, group of 4-H members, etc.) 1. Nominee Address County Phone Email Fax If group or club nomination: Name of group or club Name of leader (s) Phone Number of youth involved in planning, organizing, and conducting safety program and/or activity Age range of youth involved: Number of people educated by safety program Dates of primary activities: from Scope of activity: club school neighborhood city county state to 2 2. Briefly describe your organization's safety activity/program. (Include what, when, audience, age range, number reached and where p

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