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Hitachi vm_series_camcorder_servicing free download

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Video Corner Servicing the Hitachi VM Series camcorder By Timothy W. Durhan VHS camcorders from all manufacturers have a lot in common. They have to have a lot of similarities in order to record and play back on the same VHS tape cassette. On the other hand, manufacturers also have a great deal of freedom in the details of how they design and construct their camcorders. This article will describe procedures for servicing Hitachi models VM 3000 through VM 5000 camcorders. Many of the problem symptoms and actions to correct the problems will also apply to other brands and models of camcorder. Hitachi manufactured thousands of camcorders in the late 80's as models VM 3000 to VM 5000. Radio Shack, RCA and Sears sold these units too, using their own names and model numbers. All feature the same tape mechanism. The capstan, Durhan is an independent consumer electronics service ing technician and a freelance technical writer. mode cam and tape wind functions are actuated by belts. Symptoms of worn rubber parts You probably know rubber parts deteriorate in time, even if they're not used often. Chances are, a five or six year old camcorder will need new rubber. Some common symptoms of worn belt problems include: Tape starts to load, then camcorder shuts off. *Tape runs, then after a while, shuts off. Camcorder eats tapes. Tapes won't play or record. l l l and repairing a hand held remote control. If you can repair a remote control unit without destroying the case or losing any of the buttons, performing a mechanical repair on a camcorder shouldn't be too difficult. Lost screws, pinched wires and broken pc boards can be avoided by using a systematic disassembly and reassembly procedure. Getting started Start by powering up the camcorder using the customer's ac adapter, since a defective battery may also be the cause of any of the symptoms mentioned earlier. Moreover, there is nothing more frustrating than running out of power in the middle of a repair. If your customer didn't include the adapter along with their camcorder, put this repair on hold until they do. Slide the power switch to on, and press eject. If the mode belt is in good shape, the cassette lid should pop up. If it doesn't If you have serviced VCRs with similar problems, you know it's not too difficult to replace worn rubber parts. Many VCR technicians are reluctant to service camcorders, even though they wouldn't think twice about opening up 1. Upper Cylinder (Video Head) 2. Audio/Control (A/C Head) 3. Dew Sensor 4. Pressure Roller 5. Capstan Motor 6. Capstan Flywheel 7. Take-up End Sensor 8. Take-up Reel Disk 9. End Lump 10. Take-up Guide Roller 1 .Supply Reed Disk 1 12. Tension Band 13. Tension Arm 14. Supply Guide Roller 15. Supply End Sensor 16. Impedance Roller 17. Full Erase Head 18. Cylinder Brush Figure 1. Tape transport mechanism-Top View. 60 Electronic Servicing & Technology November 1993 open, you'll have to trigger the carriage latch manually. To open this latch manually,

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04-10-2006euglent7It was very good, but it might be deeply explained.

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