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Samsung Msys 730 free download

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File name:facsimile_©_.part1.rar
[preview Msys 730]
Size:2144 kB
Model:Msys 730 🔎
Original:JC-0073A [MAY 2002] 🔎
Descr:Service Manual Facsimile [120Volt] - Part 1/2 - pag. 91
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > FAX
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File name SF-730_SM.pdf

SAMSUNG FACSIMILE Msys 730 SERVICE SAMSUNG FACSIMILE Manual CONTENTS 1. Precautions 2. Specifications 3. Disassembly and Reassembly 4. Troubleshooting 5. Exploded Views and Parts List 6. Block Diagram 7. Connection Diagram ELECTRONICS This service manual is also provided on the web, the ITSELF system Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. "" © Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. MAY 2002 Printed in Korea. VERSION NO. : 1.00 CODE : JC-0073A This manual is stated and provided for service description. All rights reserved. Any parts of the information in this manual are prohibited from free duplication, use or translation without prior written approval except in cases allowed by the Copyright Act. Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. Samsung Electronics Digital Printing CS Group Copyright (c) 2002. 5. 1. Precautions Please read the following carefully to prevent any accidents and not to damage the unit during service. 1-1 Safety Precautions 1. Safety Precautions There are some electric or machinery parts with safety related property. If the parts replaced are different from the original, the safety may not function. Even if the part could allow higher voltage than that of the part used, do not replace it and use a regular product clarified in specifications. 2. Be careful not to leave a switch, a cover or a safety device out when reinstalling or assembling the product after repair. 3. Replacing Precautions Do not change or add parts as you like. You cannot benefit from such a remodeled product at your will during the term of guarantee. 4. You must replace overheated or damaged parts or cords with regular products. Please solve the problem causing any damage or overheating and troubles beforehand. Especially mind the safety on the part with this mark. You must use regular parts described in specifications for the parts inflammable and where the current can be flown. Otherwise any hazard such as an electric shock or a fire could occur. LASER STATEMENT (LASERTURVALLISUUS) WARNING : NEVER OPERATE AND SERVICE THE PRINTER WITH THE PROTECTIVE COVER REMOVED FROM LASER/SCANNER ASSEMBLY. THE REFLECTIVE BEAM, ALTHOUGH INVISIBLE, CAN DAMAGE YOUR EYES. Class 1 laser product Luokan 1 laserlaite Klass 1 laser apparat Allonpituus 770-795nm Teho 0.3mW±0.03mW CAUTION VORSICHT INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION WHEN THIS COVER OPEN. DO NOT OPEN THIS COVER. UNSICHTBARE LASERSTRAHLUNG, WENN ABDECKUNG GEOFFNET. NIGHT DEM STRAHL AUSSETZEN. ATTENTION REYONNEMENT LASER INVISIBLE EN CAS D'OUVERTURE. EXPOSITION DANGERUSE AU FAISCEAU. APERTURA. EVITARE L'ESPOSIZONE LA FASCIO. ATTENZIONE RADIAZIONE LASER INVISIBLE IN CASO DI PRECAUCION REDIACION LASER INVISIBLE CUANDO SE ABRE. EVITAR EXPONERSE AL RAYO. CAUTION : Avoid exposure to invisible laser radiation when the development unit is not installed. 1-2 Precautions on Disassembly and Reassembly Very careful precautions should be taken when replacing parts. Before replacing, please

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