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Size:2095 kB
Model:6280 🔎
Original:6280 🔎
Descr:Service Manual level 1+2 and wiring diagram for Nokia 6280
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Telephones
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File name 6280_schematics.pdf

Service Schematics Introduction IMPORTANT: This document is intended for use by authorized NOKIA service centers only. "Service Schematics" was created with focus on customer care. The purpose of this document is to provide further technical repair information for NOKIA mobile phones on Level 3/4 service activities. It contains additional information such as e.g. "Component finder", "Frequency band table" or "Antenna switch table". The "Signal overview" page gives a good and fast overview about the most important signals and voltages on board. Saving process time and improving the repair quality is the aim of this document. It is to be used additionally to the service manual and other training or service information such as Service Bulletins. Exploded view and component disposal RM-78 All measurements were made using following equipment: Nokia repair SW Oscilloscope Spectrum Analyzer RF-Generator / GSM Tester Multimeter : : : : : Phoenix version 2005.12.5.90 Fluke PM 3380A/B Advantest R3162 with an analog probe Rhode & Schwarz CMU 200 Fluke 73 Series II Table of Contents Frontpage System connector RETU TAHVO RAP3G, memories, mini SD card Camera & B2B connectors, keyboard FM & BT module RF-part Signal overview Component finder Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 While every endeavour has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document, some errors may exist. If the reader finds any errors, NOKIA should be notified in writing. Please send E-Mail to: [email protected] Copyright © NOKIA This material, including documentation and any related computer programs is protected by copyright, controlled by NOKIA. All rights are reserved. Copying, including reproducing, modifying, storing, adapting or translating any or all of this material requires the prior written consent of NOKIA. This material also contains confidential information, which may not be disclosed to others without the prior written consent of NOKIA. Customer Care / Service & Support Readiness / Content Creation Management Copyright © 2005 NOKIA Only for training and service purposes Version: 1.0 06.10.2005 6280 RM-78 Board version: 1mda_04a Frontpage Page 1(10) Charger plug C2003 100n X2001 F2000 2A C2000 27p C20 01 1u0 V2000 1PMT16AT3 E2003 E2002 1 2 TAHVO CHARGER OUT IN R2002 220R C2 00 4 4u7 C2002 1 n0 GND R2001 10k System connector X2000 VBUS VOUT Z2000 600 R/1 00MHz charge charge gnd ACI Vout Vbus D+ Ddata gnd Xmicn Xmicp Xearn Xearp Xear r n Xear r p 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 GND R2016 14V/50V GND GND R2000 BGF100 1k0 1n0 Vcc Meas L2002 EXC24CB102U 3 2 4 1n0 GND GND GND GND GND GND 1 RETU XAUDIO(7:0) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 HOOKDET MICB2 MIC2P MIC2N XEARL XEARLC XEARR XEARRC GND R2004 3 3k C2005 33n 2k2 1n0 50R 50R 1n0 10R R2015 Z2001 6 00R/ 10 0MHz C2016 33n J2008 R2003 1 /2 16V R2003 2 /2 16V J20 10 2k2 1n0 1n0 1k0 X2002 X21 01 X20 03 E20 04 R2005 10R R2006 10R GND GND GND GND L2003 EXC24CB102U 4 1 3 2 GND GND GND GND R2007 1 0R R

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