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File name:LYNX manual.pdf
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Size:692 kB
Descr:Lynx power amp complete schematics and manual 150 Watts pr. Channel into 8 Ohms 275 Watts pr. Channel into 4 Ohms 400 Watts pr. Channel into 2 Ohms
Group:Electronics > Automobile > Car Audio
Multipart:No multipart

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File name LYNX manual.pdf

Audio Circuit Denmark Power Amplifier Main PCB v2.1 and v2.2 Quick Assembly Guide v.1.2 16.11.2003 LYNX Contents 1. Introduction and Specifications 2. Circuit Description 3. Component Lists 4. PCB-Layout and Silk Screen 5. Hardware and Connectors 6. PCB assembly and first test 7. Power Supply 8. Schematics Disclaimer The LYNX Power Amplifier are intended as a non-commercial diy-project, and it is therefore builder's responsibility to assure that assembly and wiring are made correct, and that suitable components are used. Audio Circuit Denmark can therefore under no circumstances be held responsible for any incorrect information or documentation, damages to persons and material, loss of money or what so ever. LYNX Power Amplifier by Audio Circuit Denmark Page 1 1. Introductions and Specifications Introduction This project had only one goal. To create a rock-solid and powerful sonic Power Amplifier like those used in recording studios. However, if you are fond of the deceased mighty and "muscular" power amps from Phase Linear, SAE, GAS and Dynaco etc. you may be intrigued by this project as the result is very close to those. Components Components shown in the schematics are only suggestions. The circuit has shown good characteristics and have produced a clear sound, when build with low cost components. So with this circuit you have the possibility to either build a low cost dynamic Power Amplifier or a Studio Class Power Amplifier. Technical Specifications: With the use of a heavy Power Supply combined with a large Capacitor Bank, the LYNX Power Amplifier are able to deliver loud and clear sound, and have shown capable of handling loads down to 1 Ohms without any instability. Specifications rated at +/- 55 Volt DC Supply Voltage with 2x22.000 uF capacitor bank: Output Power: 150 Watts pr. Channel into 8 Ohms 275 Watts pr. Channel into 4 Ohms 400 Watts pr. Channel into 2 Ohms DC to 300 kHz Better than 110 dB (20 Hz to 20 kHz Less than 0.001% from 20 to 450 Hz raising to less than 0.05% at 20 kHz Greater than 700 from DC to 400 Hz Frequency response: Signal-to-Noise Ratio: Harmonic Distortion THD: Damping Factor: The amplifier can run with supply voltages from +/-35 to +/-70 Volts DC without changing any resistor values. 2. Circuit Description and Schematics Circuit Description The input signal from a Pre-Amp or a Volume Control is applied to the Inverting Input (Pin 2) of the U101 Opamp through a low-pass filter (R102 and C101), while the feedback signal (determent by R120 and R121) is applied to the Non-Inverting Input (Pin 3) of the U101 Opamp. U101 makes the first low Voltage Gain, and provide low output impedance to the Voltage Amplifier stage Q101 and Q103 (Positive Voltage Amplification) and Q102 and Q104 (Negative Voltage Amplification). The signal is then feed to the Current Gain Stages, which are build-up as "Three Deep Darlington" (TDD) circuits, each consisting of one Pre-Driver (Q106 an

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