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Now downloading free:Weltrend Semiconductor Ltd WT7514L

Weltrend Semiconductor Ltd WT7514L free download

Computer power supply, dc power supply, atx , switching, high voltage, uninterruptible power supply, laptop and other service manual and repair information.

File information:
File name:WT7514LV130_datasheet.pdf
[preview WT7514L]
Size:171 kB
Mfg:Weltrend Semiconductor Ltd
Model:WT7514L 🔎
Original:WT7514L 🔎
Descr:The WT7514L is a complete Pulse Width Modulation(PWM) Control Circuit. It is Found in SMPS power supplies for computers. This Chip is Present in iball(INDIA) make SMPS PS for comps. The Orignal PS design is from China or indonesia. The Said PS had a Model No: LPE223-400, and is made in thailand. Got this datasheet with great difficulty and sharing with you.
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Power supply
Multipart:No multipart

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File name WT7514LV130_datasheet.pdf

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