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Descr:Level 3 Service Manual
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DSC-S600 SERVICE MANUAL Ver 1.0 2005. 12 Revision History How to use Acrobat Reader LEVEL 3 Internal memory ON BOARD US Model Canadian Model AEP Model UK Model E Model Australian Model Chinese Model Brazilian Model Hong Kong Model Korea Model Link SERVICE NOTE FRAME SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS PRINTED WIRING BOARDS REPAIR PARTS LIST Note : The components identified by mark 0 or dotted line with mark 0 are critical for safety. Replace only with part number specified. Note : Les composants identifiés par une marque 0 sont critiques pour la sécurité. Ne les remplacer que par une pièce portant le numéro spécifié. DIGITAL STILL CAMERA DSC-S600_L3 9-876-922-11 2005L1600-1 © 2005.12 Published by DI Technical Support Department Sony EMCS Co. SAFETY CHECK-OUT After correcting the original service problem, perform the following safety checks before releasing the set to the customer. 1. Check the area of your repair for unsoldered or poorly-soldered connections. Check the entire board surface for solder splashes and bridges. Check the interboard wiring to ensure that no wires are "pinched" or contact high-wattage resistors. Look for unauthorized replacement parts, particularly transistors, that were installed during a previous repair. Point them out to the customer and recommend their replacement. Look for parts which, through functioning, show obvious signs of deterioration. Point them out to the customer and recommend their replacement. Check the B+ voltage to see it is at the values specified. Flexible Circuit Board Repairing · Keep the temperature of the soldering iron around 270°C during repairing. · Do not touch the soldering iron on the same conductor of the circuit board (within 3 times). · Be careful not to apply force on the conductor when soldering or unsoldering. Unleaded solder Boards requiring use of unleaded solder are printed with the leadfree mark (LF) indicating the solder contains no lead. (Caution: Some printed circuit boards may not come printed with the lead free mark due to their particular size.) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. : LEAD FREE MARK Unleaded solder has the following characteristics. · Unleaded solder melts at a temperature about 40°C higher than ordinary solder. Ordinary soldering irons can be used but the iron tip has to be applied to the solder joint for a slightly longer time. Soldering irons using a temperature regulator should be set to about 350°C. Caution: The printed pattern (copper foil) may peel away if the heated tip is applied for too long, so be careful! · Strong viscosity Unleaded solder is more viscous (sticky, less prone to flow) than ordinary solder so use caution not to let solder bridges occur such as on IC pins, etc. · Usable with ordinary solder It is best to use only unleaded solder but unleaded solder may also be added to ordinary solder. SAFETY-RELATED COMPONENT WARNING!! COMPONENTS IDENTIFIED BY MARK 0 OR DOTTED LINE WITH MARK 0 ON THE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS AND IN THE PARTS LIST ARE CRITICAL T

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