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HYUNDAI L17T free download

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L17T TFT LCD COLOR MONITOR TECHNICAL SERVICE MANUAL L17T Technical Service Manual 1 FORWORD This document defines design and performance requirements for Hyundai 17.0" On Screen Display Color TFT LCD monitor L17T. It is capable of displaying maximum 1,280 horizontal dots and 1024 vertical lines resolution image. It also offers Power Management and DDC2B features according to VESA proposal. 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The monitor described in the followings is based on a multi- scanning, digital control display, 17.0 inches diagonal. The monitor is intended to be a finished product, basically a display device mounted inside a plastic enclosure which will provide the aesthetic, ergonomic and safety requirements. 2.1 LCD Descriptions ¬ Model Name : M170EN05 ¬ Display Area : 337.92(H) x 270.336(V) mm ¬ Drive system : A - Si TFT active matrix ¬ Display Colors : 262K Colors ¬ Number of pixels : 1280 x 1024 ¬ Module Size : 358.5 (H) x 296.5(V) x 19.0 typ. (D) mm ¬ Weight : 2,000g (TYP.) ¬ Contrast ratio : 450:1 (Typ.) ¬ Luminance : 260cd/m' (Typ) --1-- Control Description Front View LED Indicator Power Switch --2-- L17T Technical Service Manual ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 3.1 Analog R.G.B Input The input signal shall be applied to the display device through a signal cable, which must be intended as part of the monitor. A signal connector shall be a shielded 15pin D- Sub connector and signal cable shall be Black or White, 1.50Ў 0.05 meter long. The interfacing method described above requires 7 input lines : 1- Red (red video) 2- Green (green video) 3- Blue (blue video) 4- H Sync (horizontal synchronization) 5- V Sync (vertical synchronization) 6- SDA 7- SCL The reference video controller (the device used for adjustment and test) will guarantee the performances described below (measured on the output connector). Video signals on 75 ohm termination to the ground Red, Green & Blue Video (refer to Fig.3.01) Level : 0 to 0.700 Vpp Polarity : Positive 700mV 2.74mV Blanking Fig. 3.01 - Video Signal Synchronization signals Polarity : Positive or Negative This monitor shall not be demaged by improper sync timing and pulse duration, absence of sync, or abnormal input amplitude (video and/or sync too large too small). --3-- 3.1.1

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