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Memorex MVT2138 free download

VCR, VHS, tape drives service manuals and repair information

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File name:tv_vhs_rec_©_.part1.rar
[preview MVT2138]
Size:1736 kB
Model:MVT2138 🔎
Original:OVD5ASM 🔎
Descr:Service Manual + Information For Using the Deck Parts [OVD-5] - Part 1/2 pag. 81
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Video recorders VCR
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File name MVT2138BSM.pdf

SERVICE MANUAL INFORMATION FOR USING THE DECK PARTS (OVD-5) Parts on the deck of our product are very similar as shown below. Make sure to use the parts listed by Parts No. in the service manual for the repair, because the deck or your important tape will be damaged. S/M CODE NO.: OVD5ASM DATE OF ISSUE 12/1997 WAVEFROMS DEFLECTION 1 20V 5ms/div 6 50V 20 µs /div 11 1V 1ms/div 2 5V 20µs/div 7 50V 20 µs /div 12 1V 1ms/div IF/CHROMA TIMER MICON 3 5V 20µs/div 8 200mV 20 µs /div 13 1V 5ms/div 4 5V 5ms/div 9 500mV 20 µs /div 14 1V 20 µs /div CRT SOUND AMP 5 50V 20 µs /div 10 2V 20 µs /div 15 5V 1ms/div NOTE: The following waveforms were measured at the point of the corresponding balloon number in the schematic diagram. H-1 WAVEFROMS Y/C/AUDIO 16 REC 0.5V P-P 21 REC 0.34V P-P 26 REC/PB 0.5V 1ms/div 17 PB 0.51V P-P 22 PB 20mV 5ms/div 27 REC/PB 0.4V P-P 18 REC 0.5V P-P 23 REC 500mV 5 µs /div 28 PB 2.06V P-P 19 PB 100mV 20 µs /div 24 REC 1V 1ms/div 29 REC/PB 0.96V P-P SYSCON/SERVO 20 REC 0.3V P-P 25 REC 1V 1ms/div 30 REC/PB 0.5V 5ms/div NOTE: The following waveforms were measured at the point of the corresponding balloon number in the schematic diagram. H-2 WAVEFROMS 31 REC/PB 20mV 5ms/div 35 REC/PB 1V 10ms/div 40 PB 100mV 20 µs /div 32 REC/PB 2V 5ms/div 36 REC/PB 1V 0.5ms/div 41 REC 1V 20 µs /div IN/OUT 32 REC/PB 0.5V 5ms/div 37 REC/PB 1.2V P-P 42 REC 500mV 5ms/div HEAD AMP 33 REC/PB 0.5V 0.2ms/div 38 REC 50mV 20 µs /div 43 REC 50mV 50ms/div 34 REC/PB 20mV 0.5ms/div 39 REC 100mV 20 µs /div 44 REC 50mV 0.1s/div NOTE: The following waveforms were measured at the point of the corresponding balloon number in the schematic diagram. H-3 WAVEFROMS 45 REC 500mV 50ms/div 46 REC 500mV 50ms/div NOTE: The following waveforms were measured at the point of the corresponding balloon number in the schematic diagram. H-4 MECHANICAL EXPLODED VIEW 122 217 149 J801 121 124 217 120 123 122 122 PCB110 (CRT PCB ASS'Y) 207 216 216 L508 120 120 121 122 217 217 148 121 119 V801 120 204 121 203 128 204 127 FB401 131 132 216 203 125 203 204 129 127 129 203 202 107 202 106 108 114 113 109 114 116 130 203 204 129 203 126 133 203 J503 PCB070 (MAIN PCB ASS'Y) 201 218 218 PCB030 (OPERATION PCB ASS'Y) 112 117 113 110 A SP354 111 105 118 J352 PCB390 (EARPHONE PCB ASS'Y) 115 104 103 102 101 I-1 MECHANICAL EXPLODED VIEW 215 215 212 216 215 213 147 215 146 214 151 214 211 210 150 207 210 211 210 144 143 208 135 134 205 140 206 137 136 TU651 138 139 142 209 145 208 PCB010 (SYSCON PCB ASS'Y) 141 A I-2 CHASSIS EXPLODED VIEW (TOP VIEW) 513 513 M2003 514 514 UN4001 504 301 504 512 503 302 303 505 H5002 310 510 H5001 510 311 312 368 315 334 316 304 305 308 307 317 320 330 331 332 503 501 309 319 313 508 316 501 318 503 519 321 M101 323 322 520 511 504 D1100 516 327 324 515 335 516 336 338 337 340 509 314 328 339 329 333 325 326 I-3 CHA

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