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Now downloading free:AIWA Z-HT73, NSX-AV240, NSX-AV540, NSX-AV840

AIWA Z-HT73, NSX-AV240, NSX-AV540, NSX-AV840 free download

Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

File information:
File name:Technical_Information_©_.pdf
[preview Z-HT73, NSX-AV240, NSX-AV540, NSX-AV840]
Size:266 kB
Model:Z-HT73, NSX-AV240, NSX-AV540, NSX-AV840 🔎
Original:Ref. G-A0-068-E0 [22.SEP.2000] 🔎
Descr:Service Technical Information - Subject: Noise from the surround and center speakers - pag. 1
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Technical_Information_©_.pdf

1/1 Service Technical Information MODEL NO. NSX -AV240 / AV540 / AV840 / Z- HT73 SUBJECT Noise from the surround and center speakers REF.No. :G - A0 - 068 - E0 DATE :22. SEP. 2000 Noise occasionally comes out from the surround and center speakers. Take the following procedure to solve the above problem: 1) Attach the double coated adhesive tape on PWB, MUTE(AV540) and attach them to the CD mechanism. 2) Fix PWB, MUTE(AV540) to the CD mechanism by gluing (1600B). 3) Remove C201 and C202 from MAIN C.B. 4) Solder seven wires from PWB, MUTE(AV540) to MAIN C.B. White: VREF, Black: GND, Red: VCC, Blue: C202(+), Purple: C202(-), Orange: C201(+), Yellow: C201(-) 5) Secure the wires with CLOTH. Apply glue to the PWB ASSY PWB, MUTE(AV540) CD MECHANISM CLOTH Attach the double coated adhesive tape PWB, MUTE(AV540) MAIN C.B VCC VREF GND C202(+) C202(-) Remove C201 MAIN C.B Remove C202 C201(+) C201(-) Ref. - G - R - Parts Code SV- T00- 097- 010 Code No. - Description PWB, MUTE(AV540) Access Code - Modified Ser. No. - Remarks - Parts Schedule -

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