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Now downloading free:Sony KD-30XS955

Sony KD-30XS955 free download

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File information:
File name:KD-34XBR960.part01.rar
[preview KD-30XS955]
Size:1423 kB
Model:KD-30XS955 🔎 KD30XS955
Original:DA-4 🔎
Descr:209 page service manual for 32, 36 & 38 inch Sony Trinitron color TV (NTSC) model #'s KD-30XS955, KD-34XBR960, KD-34XS955 & KD-36XS955. Chassis # DA-4
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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File name KD-34XBR960.pdf

HISTORY INFORMATION FOR THE FOLLOWING MANUAL: SERVICE MANUAL MODEL NAME REMOTE COMMANDER DESTINATION DA-4 CHASSIS NO CHASSIS KD-30XS955 RM-Y199 US SCC-S66U-A KD-30XS955 RM-Y199 HAWAII SCC-S69K-A KD-34XBR960 RM-Y201 US SCC-S66V-A KD-34XBR960 RM-Y201 HAWAII SCC-S69L-A KD-34XS955 RM-Y199 US SCC-S66W-A KD-34XS955 RM-Y199 CANADA SCC-S70V-A KD-34XS955 RM-Y199 HAWAII SCC-S69M-A KD-36XS955 RM-Y199 US SCC-S66X-A KD-36XS955 RM-Y199 HAWAII SCC-S69N-A This manual is for units within the following S/N range: For KD-30XS955 - S/N 4,000,001 - 4,500,000 and 8,000,001 - 8,500,000 For KD-34XS955 - S/N 9,000,001 - 9,500,000 and 8,000,001 - 8,500,000 ORIGINAL MANUAL ISSUE DATE: 6/2004 UPDATED ITEM REVISION DATE 6/2004 7/2004 11/2004 SUBJECT No revisions or updates are applicable at this time. Reissue entire manual Updated Table of Contents (Replace Pg. 3 with Pg. 3) Added Note to Cable Wire Dressing section (Replace Pg. 13 with Page 13) Updated 2-1. Beam Landing instructions (Replace Pg. 34 with Pg. 34) Updated ID Map Table (Replace Pg. 92 with Pg. 92) Updated Circuit Boards Location diagram (Replace Pg. 93 with Pg. 93) Replaced P Board Schematic Diagram (Replace Pg. 99 with Pg. 99) Added PA Board Schematic and PWBs (Add Pgs. 100-A and 100-B) Updated BY Board PWBs (Replace Pgs. 111 & 112 with Pgs. 111 &112) Updated DZ Board Schematic (2 of 2) (Replace Pg. 123 with Pg. 123) Added PA Board to Exploded View section (Replace Pgs. 141, 143, & 145 with Pgs. 141, 143, & 145) Added PA Board information to Electrical Parts Lists (Add Pgs. 204-208) Corrected Self-Diagnostic Circuit Diagram (Replace Pg. 9 with Pg. 9) Updated 2-1. Beam Landing instructions (Replace Pg. 34 with Pg. 34) Reorganized 2-2. Convergence and 2-3. V-Pin and V-Cen Adjusment instructions (Replace Pg. 35 with Pg. 35) Corrected Block Diagram (Replace Pg. 94 with Pg. 94) Updated DZ Schematic Diagram to correct IC5005 pin 3 (Replace Pg. 122 with Pg. 122) Corrected Exploded View diagrams to show correct placement of Neck Assembly & Landing Coil Correction Corrected PN for Control Door & Power Button, Added Door Damper (Replace Pgs. 142, 144, &146 with Pgs. 142, 144, &146) Added Serial Number range to Front Cover and History Information pages. Revised Serial Number range to Front Cover and History Information pages. Corrected Model Names on Exploded View. Changed `KV' to `KD'. (Replace Pgs 143 and 144) 12/2004 2/2005 6/2005 7/2005 TRINITRON® COLOR TELEVISION 9-965-965-07 SERVICE MANUAL MODEL NAME REMOTE COMMANDER DESTINATION DA-4 CHASSIS NO Self Diagnosis Supported model CHASSIS KD-30XS955 KD-30XS955 KD-34XBR960 KD-34XBR960 KD-34XS955 KD-34XS955 KD-34XS955 KD-36XS955 KD-36XS955 RM-Y199 RM-Y199 RM-Y201 RM-Y201 RM-Y199 RM-Y199 RM-Y199 RM-Y199 RM-Y199 US HAWAII US HAWAII US CANADA HAWAII US HAWAII SCC-S66U-A SCC-S69K-A SCC-S66V-A SCC-S69L-A SCC-S66W-A SCC-S70V-A SCC-S69M-A SCC-S66X-A SCC-S69N-A This manual is for units within the following S/N range: For KD-30XS955 - S/N 4,000,001 - 4,500,000 an

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