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Now downloading free:Hitachi 50V500

Hitachi 50V500 free download

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File name:50V500.part01.rar
[preview 50V500]
Size:1423 kB
Model:50V500 🔎
Original:LC37 🔎
Descr:195 page service manual No. 0178 (Jun 2003) for Hitachi 50 & 60 inch LCD rear projection color TV model 50V500 & 60V500 with LC37 & LC37F chassis.
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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PA NTSC LC37 Chassis LC37F Chassis No. 0178 50V500/LC37 60V500A/LC37F R/C: CLU-5729TSI TO GO TO A CHAPTER, CLICK ON ITS HEADING BELOW SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ...2 PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE...3 SERVICING PRECAUTIONS ...4 AGENCY REGULATORY INFORMATION ...8 TABLE OF CONTENTS ...9 SPECIFICATIONS...11 FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS...22 PWB ADJUSTMENTS ...49 Updated 01/04/07 TROUBLESHOOTING FLOW CHARTS...95 DC VOLTAGE ...96 WAVEFORMS ...108 REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST ...114 Updated 08/05/05 EXPLODED VIEW ...138 Updated 07/12/05 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS ...148 CONNECTION DIAGRAM ...160 BLOCK DIAGRAM ...161 BASIC CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ...162 FINAL WIRING DIAGRAM ...175 MAJOR ICS & UNITS ...179 Updated 04/05/07 OPTICAL ENGINE REMOVAL PROCEDURE ...181 NOTE: This product is to be serviced at board level. CAUTION: Before servicing this chassis, it is important that the service technician read the "Product Safety Notices" in this service manual. SAFETY NOTICE USE ISOLATION TRANSFORMER WHEN SERVICING Components having special safety characteristics are identified by a ! on the parts list in this Service Data and its supplements and bulletins. Bef

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