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Hitachi ED-X3270A free download

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Model:ED-X3270A 🔎 EDX3270A
Descr:64 page service manual YK No. 0532E for Hitachi multimedia LCD projector model # ED-X3270A (C3XM3E) & ED-X3170A (C3S3E)
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Projectors
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YK No.0532E ED-S3170A(C3S3E) SERVICE MANUAL ED-X3270A(C3XM3E) Caution Be sure to read this manual before servicing. To assure safety from fire, electric shock, injury, harmful radiation and materials, various measures are provided in this Hitachi Multimedia LCD Projector. Be sure to read cautionary items described in the manual to maintain safety before servicing. Service Warning 1. When replace the lamp, to avoid burns to your fingers. The lamp becomes too hot. 2. Never touch the lamp bulb with a finger or anything else. Never drop it or give it a shock. They may cause bursting of the bulb. 3. This projector is provided with a high voltage circuit for the lamp. Do not touch the electric parts of power unit (main), when turn on the projector. 4. Do not touch the exhaust fan, during operation. 5. The LCD module assembly is likely to be damaged. If replacing to the LCD module assembly, do not hold the FPC of the LCD module assembly. 6. Use the cables which are included with the projector or specified. Contents 1. Features ----------------------------------------------- 2 8. Disassembly diagram----------------------------- 35 2. Specifications----------------------------------------- 2 9. Replacement parts list---------------------------- 37 3. Names of each part --------------------------------- 3 10.RS-232C communication ------------------------ 38 4. Adjustment -------------------------------------------- 5 11.Block diagram -------------------------------------- 44 5. Troubleshooting ------------------------------------ 11 12.Connector connection diagram ---------------- 45 6. Service points -------------------------------------- 16 13.Basic circuit diagram------------------------------ 46 7. Wiring diagram ------------------------------------- 29 SPECIFICATIONS AND PARTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE FOR IMPROVEMENT. Multimedia LCD Projector January 2003 Digital Media Division ED-S3170A/ED-X3270A 1. Features 1,500 ANSI lumens, 2.7kg(6lbs) Full connectivity Easy and flexible keystone adjustment My screen Wide angle lens Low noise 2. Specifications

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