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Model:TXM2796HFX/XAA 🔎
Original:K55A 🔎
Descr:9 file, total of 68 pages for Samsung color television receiver model #'s TXM2796HFX/XAA, TXM2798HFX/XAA, TXM3097WHFXXAA, TXM3296HF6/XAA, TXM3298HFX/XAA, TXM2797HFX/XAA, TXM3096WHFXXAA, TXM3098WHFXXAA & TXM3297HFX/XAA with K55A chassis.
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File name TXM2796HFX-XAA_pt1.pdf

COLOR TELEVISION RECEIVER Chassis : Model : K55A TXM2796HFX/XAA TXM2798HFX/XAA TXM3097WHFXXAA TXM3296HFX/XAA TXM3298HFX/XAA TXM2797HFX/XAA TXM3096WHFXXAA TXM3098WHFXXAA TXM3297HFX/XAA COLOR TELEVISION RECEIVER CONTENTS 1. Precautions 2. Reference Information 3. Specifications 4. Alignment and Adjustments 5. Exploded Views and Parts List 6. Electrical Parts List 7. Troubleshooting 8. Block Diagrams 9. Schematic Diagrams ELECTRONICS © Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. MAY. 2002 Printed in Korea AA82-
File name TXM2796HFX-XAA_pt2.pdf

Precautions 1. Precautions Follow these safety, servicing and ESD precautions to prevent damage and protect against potential hazards such as electrical shock and X-rays. 1-1 Safety Precautions 1. Be sure that all of the built-in protective devices are replaced. Restore any missing protective shields. 2. When reinstalling the chassis and its assemblies, be sure to restore all protective devices, including: nonmetallic control knobs and compartment covers. 3. Make sure that there are no cabinet openings through which people--particularly children--might insert fingers and contact dangerous voltages. Such openings include the spacing between the picture tube and the cabinet mask, excessively wide cabinet ventilation slots, and improperly fitted back covers. If the measured resistance is less than 1.0 megohm or greater than 5.2 megohms, an abnormality exists that must be corrected before the unit is returned to the customer. 4. Leakage Current Hot Check (Figure 1-1): Warning: Do not use an isolation transformer during this test. Use a leakagecurrent tester or a metering system that complies with American National Standards Institute (ANIS C101.1, Leakage Current for Appliances), and Underwriters Laboratories (UL Publication UL1410, 59.7). 5. With the unit completely reassembled, plug the AC line cord directly into the power outlet. With the unit's AC switch first in the ON position and then OFF, measure the current between a known earth ground (metal water pipe, conduit, etc.) and all exposed metal parts, including: antennas, handle brackets, metal cabinets, screwheads and control shafts. The current measured should not exceed 0.5 milliamp. Reverse the powerplug prongs in the AC outlet and repeat the test. DEVICE UNDER TEST TEST ALL EXPOSED METAL SURFACES 2-WIRE CORD ALSO TEST WITH PLUG REVERSED (USING AC ADAPTER PLUG AS REQUIRED) LEAKAGE CURRENT TESTER (READING SHOULD NOT BE ABOVE 0.5mA) EARTH GROUND Fig. 1-1 AC Leakage Test 6. Antenna Cold Check: With the unit's AC plug disconnected from the AC source, connect an electrical jumper across the two AC prongs. Connect one lead of the ohmmeter to an AC prong. Connect the other lead to the coaxial connector. 7. X-ray Limits: The picture tube is especially designed to prohibit X-ray emissions. To ensure continued X-ray protection, replace the picture tube only with one that is the same type as the original. Carefully reinstall the picture tube shields and mounting hardware; these also provide X-ray protection. 8. High Voltage Limits: High voltage must be measured each time servicing is done on the B+, horizontal deflection or high voltage circuits. Correct operation of the X-ray protection circuits must be reconfirmed whenever they are serviced. (X-ray protection circuits also may be called "horizontal disable" or "hold-down".) Heed the high voltage limits. These include the X­ray Protection Specifications Label, and the Product Safety and X-ray Warning Note on the service data schematic. Samsung
File name TXM2796HFX-XAA_pt3.pdf

Specifications 3. Specifications Broadcasting System Tuning System Receiving Channels NTSC-M Electronic Remote Control System VHF (CH 2 ~ 13) UHF (CH 14 ~ 69) CATV (CH 1, 14 ~ 125) ANTENNA INPUT RESISTANCE VHF, UHF 75 unbalanced Video: 45.75 MHz Intermediate Frequency Sound: 41.25 MHz Chrominance Subcarrier: 42.17 MHz Power Supply AC 120V, 60Hz Samsung Electronics 3-1 MEMO 3-2 Samsung Electronics
File name TXM2796HFX-XAA_pt4.pdf

Reference Information 2. Reference Information 2-1 Tables of Abbreviations and Acronyms Table 2-1 Abbreviations A Ah Å dB dBm °C °F °K F G GHz g H Hz h ips kWh kg kHz k km km/h kV kVA kW I MHz Ampere Ampere-hour Angstrom Decibel Decibel Referenced to One Milliwatt Degree Celsius Degree Fahrenheit degree Kelvin Farad Gauss Gigahertz Gram Henry Hertz Hour Inches Per Second Kilowatt-hour Kilogram Kilohertz Kilohm Kilometer Kilometer Per Hour Kilovolt Kilovolt-ampere Kilowatt Liter Megahertz MV MW M m µA µF µH µm µs µW mA mg mH mI mm ms mV nF pF Ib rpm rps s V VA W Wh Megavolt Megawatt Megohm Meter Microampere Microfarad Microhenry Micrometer Microsecond Microwatt Milliampere Milligram Millihenry Milliliter Millimeter Millisecond Millivolt Nanofarad Ohm Picofarad Pound Revolutions Per Minute Revolutions Per Second Second (Time) Volt Volt-ampere Watt Watt-hour Samsung Electronics 2-1 Reference Information Table 2-2 Table of Acronyms ABL AC ACC AF AFC AFT AGC AM ANSI APC APC A/V AVC BAL BPF B-Y CATV CB CCD CCTV Ch CRT CW DC DVM EIA ESD ESD FBP FBT FF FM FS GND G-Y H HF HI-FI IC IC IF Automatic Brightness Limiter Alternating Current Automatic Chroma Control Audio Frequency Automatic Frequency Control Automatic Fine Tuning Automatic Gain Control Amplitude Modulation American National Standards Institute Automatic Phase Control Automatic Picture Control Audio-Video Automatic Volume Control Balance Bandpass Filter Blue-Y Community Antenna Television (Cable TV) Citizens Band Charge Coupled Device Closed Circuit Television Channel Cathode Ray Tube Continuous Wave Direct Current Digital Volt Meter Electronics Industries Association Electrostatic Discharge Electrostatically Sensitive Device Feedback Pulse Flyback Transformer Flip-Flop Frequency Modulation Fail Safe Ground Green-Y High High-Frequency High Fidelity Inductance-Capacitance Integrated Circuit Intermediate Frequency I/O L L LED LF MOSFET MTS NAB NEC NTSC OSD PCB PLL PWM QIF R RC RF R-Y SAP SAW SIF SMPS S/N SW TP TTL TV UHF UL UV VCD VCO VCXO VHF VIF VR VTR VTVM TR Input/output Left Low Light Emitting Diode Low Frequency Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor-Field-Effect-Tr Multi-channel Television Sound National Association of Broadcasters National Electric Code National Television Systems Committee On Screen Display Printed Circuit Board Phase-Locked Loop Pulse Width Modulation Quadrature Intermediate Frequency Right Resistor & Capacitor Radio Frequency Red-Y Second Audio Program Surface Acoustic Wave(Filter) Sound Intermediate Frequency Switching Mode Power Supply Signal/Noise Switch Test Point Transistor Transistor Logic Television Ultra High Frequency Underwriters Laboratories Ultraviolet Variable-Capacitance Diode Voltage Controlled Oscillator Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator Very High Frequency Video Intermediate Frequency Variable Resistor Video Tape Recorder Vacuum Tube Voltmeter Transistor 2-2 Samsung Electronics Reference Information 2-2 IC Line Up Block Des-Loc IC901 HIC401 TU02S IC06
File name TXM2796HFX-XAA_pt5.pdf

Alignment and Adjustments 4. Alignment and Adjustments 4-1 Adjustments 4-1-1 General Alignment Instructions Usually, a color TV needs only slight touch-up adjustment upon installation. Check the basic characteristics such as vertical size, horizontal size, and focus. Observe the picture and check for good black and white details. There must be no objectionable color shading: If color shading is present, demagnetize the receiver. If color shading persists, re-do purity and convergence adjustments. Note : 1. This `4. Alignment and Adjustments' applies to KS4A chassis applications. 2. AC Power Supply: 220 V only 3. This service manual has been written on the basis of domestic remote-control model adopting KS4A chassis. Depending on sales location and product specifications, some of specifications herein may be changed. 4-1-2 Focus Adjustment KS4A contains a dynamic focus circuit. When CRT PCB, FBT or CRT is replaced, be sure to adjust in the following sequence: Dynamic Focus Adjustment 1. Input a crosshatch pattern. 2. Select "Standard" from the menu, 3. Turn the Static Focus VR clockwise to set it to its maximum. 4. Turn the Dynamic Focus VR counterclockwise to set it to its maximum. 5. Turn the Static Focus VR counterclockwise slowly for the clearest center vertical line. STATIC FOCUS VR H DYNAMIC FOCUS VR V NO USE After Adjustment 6. Turn the Dynamic Focus VR clockwise slowly for the clearest third line. 1 2 3 7. Check for the FOCUS of entire screen. If necessary, re-do adjustments 3~6. Samsung Electronics 4-1 Alignment and Adjustments 4-1-3 Screen Voltage Adjustment 1. Enter the Service Mode by pressing the remote control keys in the following sequence : Power Off Mute 1 8 2 Power On 2. Initialize all set data. 3. Input a Toshiba pattern. 4. Use an oscilloscope to identify RK, BK, GK. And then adjust FBT Screen VR so that the voltage of pedestal level doesn't exceed 175V. If a Toshiba pattern is not available, cancel the blue screen and input "No Signal" to AV IN so the voltage of pedestal level doesn't exceed 188V. If an oscilloscope is not available, use a DC multi-meter in No Signal (black screen) to adjust RK, BK, GK so that the highest voltage becomes 175Vp-p. 4-1-4 White Balance Adjustment 1. Warm up the TV set for at least 30 minutes. 2. Enter the Service Mode by pressing the remote control keys in the following sequence: Power Off -> Mute 1 8 2 Power On 3. Initialize all set data. 4. Input a Toshiba pattern. 5. Using a probe (CA100), do the White Balance adjustments. a) Adjust Low-Light. - Adjust Sub Brightness to set Y. - Adjust B Cutoff to set y. - Adjust R Cutoff to set x. b) Adjust High-Light. - Adjust Sub Contrast to set Y. - Adjust B Drive to set y. - Adjust R Drive to set x. c) Check the value of Low-Light. If necessary, readjust Low-Light. d) Check the value of High-Light. If necessary, readjust High-Light.15 4-2 Samsung Electronics Alignment and Adjustments 4-1-5 When adjusting Screen Voltage and
File name TXM2796HFX-XAA_pt6.pdf

Troubleshooting 7. Troubleshooting 7-1 No Raster Abnormal Check ST-BY Normal Abnormal Check ST5V Q804 "E" Normal Check VIN(DC) TS801S PIN 13 Normal Abnormal Check ON/OFF IC903 ; 3.3V Normal Abnormal Check ST5V HC801"D809" Normal Check MICOM Check MICOM Check FA803S Check FA801S Normal GND SHORT Abnormal Check B+(135V) Normal Check F-BOX 5V, 9V Abnormal Check9V:R829, IC803 5V:R827, FA802S Check HC401 J6920 Normal Normal Check Vin(dc)T801S Abnormal Abnormal Check DZ801,DZ802, DZ803,IC804 Check FP801S Check F-BOX I C Check HIC401 Q402 Check H-BLK V-BLK Check F-BOX HD,VD Check CRT ASSY R529 REPLACE F-BOX Samsung Electronics 7-1 Troubleshooting 7-2 No Sound NO SOUND Normal Check the signal of CN601 Abnormal Abnormal Check SPEAKER and WIRE Check the input signal of IC602 pins 7,11 Normal Abnormal Check the input signal of IC601 Check IC602 B+ Normal Check TUNER B+ and SIF Normal Replace IC602 Abnormal Check FA803S Check IC601 B+ Normal Check the signals of pins 47,44,are input Normal Check the signals of pins 25,24 are input Normal Repace IC601 Abnormal CheckB+(BV) LINE R815, IC805, FA802S 7-2 Samsung Electronics Troubleshooting 7-3 No Power Plug in the Power Cord Check Power LED ST-BY : LED Nomal Check the oscillation of X-Tal of IC901 pins 34, 35 Check Reset of IC901 pin 33 Abnomal Check X901, IC904 Abnomal Nomal Check IC901 B+ (3.3VDD) Abnomal Check/Replace IC901 Check I2C Nomal Check Q804 Abnomal HC801S FA801S FA802S Abnomal Check CN901, CN902 Check IC905 E2PROM Nomal Abnomal Check 135V Line Nomal Check T444S FBT B+ Abnomal Check F-BOX (5V) Nomal Check IC801S, DZ801,DZ802, PC801S,IC804 Abnomal Check TRANS(12V) Check IC803, IC802,R827,R829 Nomal Check the Horizontal TR of HC401 "J6920" Check F-BOX HD/VD Abnomal Check F-BOX I C 2 Check HIC401,Q402 Nomal Check H-BLK, V-BLK Line Replace F-BOX Samsung Electronics 7-3 Troubleshooting 7-4 Horizontal Lines Appear Horizontal lines appear Nomal Check IC301 B+ (16V, -13.5V) Abnomal Check B+ line and fusible resistance Nomal Check F-BOX B+ VD+, VDAbnomal Check / Replace IC301 Check IC802,IC803, HC801,FA801S,FA803S Abnomal Replace R424, R425 7-4 Samsung Electronics
File name TXM2796HFX-XAA_pt8.pdf

Troubleshooting 8. Block Diagram 8-1 Voltage / Current Block Diagram 6 .24 V/ 62 5mA(AC) CP T He ate r 3 3V T une r S 1 36 V/ 84 5mA F B 2 14 V/ 41 mA 5 mA 3 7mA IC5 01 ,2 ,3 7812 (IC402) HDT LA78 45 LM393 1 6.3 5 V/6 97 mA 1 03 mA T 1 4.9 V/ 12 3mA 1 6.2 V/ 45 5mA M 7 .7V/2 17 mA 7 .9V/8 35 mA 7 8R0 5 (IC8 02 ) - 1 3.5 V/43 4 mA 4 04 mA 1 9mA CP T Socke t 5 V/ 1 7 2mA 5 V/2 1 0mA Main T une r Sound Contr ol IC 7 .8V/6 21 mA P 7 8R0 5 (IC80 5 ) 5 V/ 1 8 3mA Module Boar d 5 V/ 4 3 1mA 7 8RM33 (IC20 2) 3 .3V/ 4 23 mA Module Boar d 2 6.7 V/ 17 mA T DA72 69 No Sound 9 V/ 3 0 mA 9 V/ 2 1 2mA 9 V/ 8 6 mA 1 2.3 6 V/3 46 mA 1 1.2 V/ 21 2mA 7 8R0 9 Main T une r Sound Contr ol IC Module Boar d Mic om (IC9 01 ) S 1 2.2 V/ 13 5mA C2073 6 V/ 1 3 0mA 12.2V/ 10mA DDR1001A (HIC401) 78RM33 (IC903) Samsung Electronics 8-1 MEMO 8-2 Samsung Electronics Block Diagrams 8-3 PCB Layout Samsung Electronics 8-3 Block Diagrams 8-4 System Block Diagram MAIN SPEAKER MAIN Tmblock Tuner/ LAN/IF PIP Tmblock Tuner/LAN/IF Sound Process MSP34** MAIN S-AMP TDA7269 Woofer AMP TDA7269 MICOM SDA555* EEPROM 24W16 RCA Jack Array CVBS YPbPr YC Feature Box SDA9407905) / CXA2151 / CXA2165 BA7657F / UPD64083 / TEA6425 (SRC, D/A, A/D, Def, PIP, Matrix) RGB DRIVE TDA6111Q*3 V/M CRT 78R09 78R05 AC INPUT POWER SPS 250W 5Q1565F TRANS 78R33 12V 8V 24V 135V H-Out TR FJL6920 Vertical AMP LA7845 E/W AMP LM393 33V 200V Double Focus FBT 8-4 Samsung Electronics Block Diagrams 8-5 Power Block Diagram Samsung Electronics 8-5 Block Diagrams 8-6 Video Signal Block Diagram Feature Box BA7657F S/W CX2165 RGB Matrix Deflection CRT-DRIVE Ik PIP VS9407 Decoder*2 H/V Scaler DRAM / SRAM 29", 34" TDA6111Q 32" TDA6120Q R.G.B CXA2151 Sync Counter Comp. & SW CATHODE REF. UPD64083 3D Comb Main TEA6425 S/W DVD DTV H-OUT V-OUT VM AMP VM-COIL AFT Main TM Block Micom Jack Array - Rear Jack - Side Jack - Super Jack Sub TM Block ANT 8-6 Samsung Electronics Block Diagrams 8-7 Sound signal Block Diagram TM-BLOCK AUDIO PROCESSOR MSP34XX 47 ANA-IN L-O 25 7 L-I AUDIO AMP TDA7269 L-O 4 SIF 16 R-O 24 11 R-I R-O 2 AV-RO AV-LO AV-L3 AV-R3 AV-L2 AV-R2 AV-L1 AV-R1 39 27 28 37 38 39 40 41 42 Mute Timming Control 24V SIDE-A/V R L L R L R 49 MUTE AUDIO OUT AUDIO IN3 AUDIO IN2 AUDIO IN2 CN702 R R L L MICOM SDA555 Samsung Electronics 8-7 Block Diagrams 8-8 Deflection Block Diagram Deflection & Metrix CXA2165 EW-OUT 4 7 3 COMPARATOR KA393 2 1 G FET D S MICOM SAW-TOOTH H-PULSE 19 H-SYNC V-SYNC 20 H-Blank 39 10 H-Drive 40 H-DRIVE DDR1001A HDT H-OUT,TR ABL FBT FUJ29*** COL 16.5V FOCUS DIODE MOD V-AMP V P Drive 53 V N Drive 52 V-Blank 35 4 5 INPUT INPUT PUMP UP 7 1 2 16.5VAC DOUBLE FOCUS MODULE OUT 1 V1 DY V2 H2 H1 8 12 LA7845 V-OUT 2 EW CORECTION 1 3 8-8 Samsung Electronics

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