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QSC Audio Products, Inc. Replacement Parts Listing Last Updated: 10/22/98 Replacement parts shown in this guide are for servicing QSC products only. Parts may be obtained by contacting QSC Technical Services at: QSC Audio Products, Inc. Technical Services 1675 MacArthur Blvd. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 800 / 772-2834 714 / 418-9200 Fax: 714 / 754-6173 Parts inquiries outside of the United States are directed to a local QSC distributor. For a distributor referal, contact Technical Services as shown above. Tel: ATTENTION: THE PARTS SHOWN IN THIS GUIDE ARE FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY. SOME OF THE PARTS SHOWN MAY NO LONGER BE AVAILABLE. * This listing is not intended to represent all parts from QSC, but only those that are most commonly referenced. * Lead times and availability will vary. Supplies are limited. * Some parts may be discontinued without notice. * This guide is subject to change without notice. Capacitors QSC P/N CA-010001-10 CA-010002-30 CA-010100-BD CA-015001-10 CA-015002-10 CA-015100-BD CA-018001-10 CA-018100-BM CA-018100-CM CA-022100-BD CA-027001-10 CA-027001-30 CA-027002-30 CA-027100-BM CA-033100-CM CA-047001-10 CA-047002-30 CA-047100-BD CA-068001-10 CA-068050-CD CA-068100-BD CA-110001-10 CA-110002-30 CA-110100-BM CA-110100-BO CA-110100-CM CA-122001-10 CA-122002-30 CA-122100-BD CA-133001-10 CA-133002-30 CA-133100-BD CA-133500-CM CA-147001-10 CA-147003-30 CA-147004-30 CA-147100-BD CA-147100-BD CA-168001-10 CA-168002-10 CA-168003-30 CA-168100-BC CA-168100-BD CA-210002-10 CA-210005-30 CA-210006-30 CA-210007-00 CA-210050-CP CA-210100-BP PART DESCRIPTION 10PF 100V 10% CER NPO CAP 10PF 5% 50V 10PF,100V,10% DISK 15PF 100V 10% CER NPO CAP CER 15PF 10% 500V SL 15PF, 100V, 10%, DISK 18PF 500V 5% SM 18PF,100V, 10% MICA 18PF, 100V, 5% MICA 22PF, 100V, 10%, DISK 27PF 500V 10% SM CAP CER 27PF 5% 50V 0805 SMT CAP CER 27PF 5% 250V NPO 1206 27PF, 100V, 10%, MICA 33PF, 100V, 5%, MICA 47PF 100V 10% CER NPO CAP CER 47PF 5% 50V 47PF, 100V, 10%, DISK 68PF 100V 10% CER 68PF 50V 2% CER COG 68PF, 100V,10%, DISK 100PF 500V 5% SM CAP CER 100PF 5% 50 100PF, 100V, 10%, MICA 100PF, 100V, 10% 100PF, 100V, 5%, MICA 220PF 100V 5% SM CAP CER 220PF 5% 50 220PF, 100V, 10%, DISK 330PF 500V 5% SM CAP CER 330PF 5% 50V NPO 0805 330PF, 100V, 10%, DISK 330PF, 500V, 5%, MICA 470PF 100V 10% CER CAP 470PF 5% 50V CAP CER 470PF 5% 50V NPO 0805 470PF, 100V, 10%, DISK 470PF, 100V, 10%, CER 680PF 100V 10% CER 680PF 500V 10% CER Y5P CAP CER 680PF 5% 50 680PF, 100V, 10%, DISK 680PF, 100V, 10%, DISK .001UF 100V 5% MYL CAP .001UF 5% 50V CAP CER .001UF 100V 2% NPO SMT CAP SM .001UF 5% 500V .001UF 50V 5% MYL .001UF, 100V, 10%, MYLAR CA-215001-00 CA-215002-10 CA-215050-CP CA-410009-00 CA-410011-00 CA-410050-AD CA-410050-AY CA-410050-BD CA-410050-BD CA-410050-CP CA-410100-AD CA-410100-BP CA-410100-CP CA-410160-BP CA-410250-AS CA-410250-BP CA-412001-10 CA-412100-BP CA-412100-CP CA-415001-10 CA-415002-10 CA-415100-CP CA-422001-00 CA-422001-10 CA-422002-10 CA-422050-CP CA-422100-CP CA-447001

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