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Hitachi VTFX free download

VCR, VHS, tape drives service manuals and repair information

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File name:No_0301EFG.part1.rar
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Model:VTFX 🔎
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Video recorders VCR
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No. 0301 VTMX900ECT VTMX900EUK VTMX905EUK VTMX905EVPS VTMX910EUK VTMX902EL VTMX930EVPS VTMX932EL VTFX2000ELN VTFX940EVPS VTFX940EUKN VTFX940ENA VTFX942ELN VTFX940ELN VTFX952ELN Data contained within this Service manual is subject to alteration for improvement. Les données fournies dans le présent manuel d'entretien peuvent faire 'lobjet de modifications en vue de perfectionner le produit. Die in diesem Warungshandbuch t enthaltenen Spezifikationen können sich zwecks Verbesserungenändern. SERVICE MANUAL MANUEL D'ENTRETIEN WARTUNGSHANDBUCH CAUTION: Before servicing this chassis, it is important that the service technician read the "Safety Precautions and "Product Safety Notices in this service manual. " " ATTENTION: Avant d'effectuer l'entretien du châassis, le technicien doit lire les «Précautions de s écurité» et les «Notices de sécurité du produit» présentés dans le présent manuel. VORSICHT: Vor Öffnen des Gehäuses hat der Service-Ingenieur die ,,Sicherheitshinweise " und ,,Hinweise zur Produktsicherheit in diesem Wartungshandbuch zu lesen " . June 2000 1-6 Safety instructions GB Avertissements F ­ Safety regulations demand that the set be restored to its original condition and that components identical with the original types be used. Safety components are marked by the symbol ­ Les normes de sécurité exigent qu'aprés réparation I'appareil soit remis dans son état d'origine et que soient utilisées les piéces de rechange identiques à celles spécifiées. Les composants de sécurité sont marqués ! ! ­ All ICs and many other semi-conductors are susceptible to electrostatic discharges (ESD). Careless handling during repair may reduce life drastically. When repairing, make sure that you are conneted with the same potential as the mass of the set via a wrist wrap with resistance. Keep components and tools on the same potential. ­ A set to be repaired should always be connected to the mains via a suitable isolating transformer. ­ Never replace any modules or any other parts while the set is switched on. ­ Use plastic instead of metal alignment tools. This in order to prelude short-circuit or to prevent a specific circuit from being rendered unstable. Remarks ­ The direct voltages and oscillograms ought to be measured relative to the set mass. EXCEPTION At the power supply, the DC voltages and the oscillograms at the primary side are measured to LIVE GND. ­ The direct voltages and oscillograms mentioned in the diagrams ought to be measured with a colour bar signal and the picture carrier at 503.25 MHz (C25). ­ The oscillograms and direct voltages have been measured in RECORD or PLAY mode. ­ The semiconductors, which are mentioned in the circuit diagram and in the parts lists, are fully exchangeable per position with the semiconductors in the set, irrespective of the type designation of these semiconductors. ­ Tout les IC et beaucoup d'autres semi-conducteurs sont sensibles aux décharger statiques (ESD). Leur longévité pourrait étre consid

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