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Now downloading free:Alinco DJ-X2000

Alinco DJ-X2000 free download

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File name:djx2000.rar
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Size:2927 kB
Model:DJ-X2000 🔎 DJX2000
Original:DJ-X2000 🔎
Descr:ALINCO DJ-X2000 UserManual eng
Group:Electronics > Radio stations
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COMPANY NAME: ALINCO, INC . EUT: DJ-X2000T W ORK ORDER NUMBER: 2000448 FCC ID: EUG DJ-X2000T APPENDIX G: INSTRUCTION MANUAL Scanning Receiver Certification Report Page 57 of 65 WIDE RANGE SCANNING RECEIVER DJ-X2000 Instruction Manual HELP 3 1 2 RF C 6 5 SCN 4 9 Thank you for purchasing the ALINCO 7 8 ENT receiver. The DJ-X2000 instruction 0 CLR manual contains important safety and MIC operating instructions. Read this manual LLIGE DJ-X2 NT INTEECEIVER R carefully before using the product. Features The Alinco DJ-X2000 is a professional multifunctional receiver which covers a wide band of radio media from the low-frequency band (LF) to ultrahigh- frequency (UHF) band. It has the following features. 1. Wide frequency range The DJ-X2000 covers the wide frequency range from 0.1 to 2149.999950 MHz. 2. Three basic modes The DJ-X2000 has three basic modes: Dual VFO, Memory (MR), and Scan Programming (PMS). The modes can be switched by one-touch operation. 3. Memory capacity Memory function allows you to program the frequencies up to 2000 channels. (40 ch × 50 banks) 4. Scanning Various kinds of scan are available: Program scan (PMS), Memory scan, Mode-select scan, VFO scan, VFO-linked scan, and Priority scan. 5. 20 scan programs The PMS mode has a total of 20 programmable bands. 6. Channel scope The search function checks frequencies in the set frequency steps and displays signals within a 40- channel or 7-channel range at once. 7. Battery-save function The

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