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File name 1N4001-1N4007 diode.pdf

1N4001 ... 1N4007 BY133... P513 1 Amp. Silicon Rectifier Diodes Dimensions in mm. DO-15 (Plastic) Voltage 50 to 1600 V. Current 1.0 A. at 75°C. 6.35 ± 0.2 58.5 min. · Low cost Mounting instructions 1. Min. distance from body to soldering point, 4 mm. 2. Max. solder temperature, 350°C. 3. Max. soldering time, 3,5 sec. 4. Do not bend lead at a point closer than 2 mm. to the body. · Diffused junction · High current capability · The plastic material carries U/L recognition 94 V-0 · Terminals: Axial Leads · Polarity: Color band denotes cathode Maximum Ratings, according to IEC publication No. 134 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N BY P 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 133 513 VRRM IF(AV) IFRM IFSM Tj Tstg Peak recurrent reverse voltage (V) Forward current at Tamb = 75°C Recurrent peak forward current 10 ms. peak forward surge current Operating temperature range Storage temperature range 50 100 200 400 600 800 1000 1300 1600 1A 10 A 50 A ­ 65 to + 150 °C ­ 65 to + 150 °C Electrical Characteristics at Tamb = 25°C VF IR Rthj-a Max. forward voltage drop at IF = 1 A Max. reverse current at VRRM at 25°C at 100°C Max. thermal resistance (I = 10 mm.) 1.1V 5µA 100 µ A 60° C/W 1N4000 Characteristic Curves TYPICAL FORWARD CHARACTERISTIC 1.2 1 FORWARD CURRENT DERATING CURVE 10mm. - 10mm. 10 10 0 0.8 R or L Load 0.6 10 -1 C-Load 0.4 Tj = 150°C Tj = 25°C -2 10 0.2 0 10 -3 0 0 1.2 2.4 3.6 VF' instantaneous forward voltage (V) 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 Tamb, ambient temperature (°C) THERMAL RESISTANCE 100 MAXIMUM NON-REPETITIVE PEAK FORWARD SURGE CURRENT 80 50 60 20 IFM 1 cycle Tj = 25°C 40 10 I 20 I 4 0 0 10 20 30 I, lead lenght (mm.) 2 1 2 4 10 20 100 Number of cycles at 50 Hz.

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